Source code for instagraal.cuda_lib_gl_single

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import numpy as np

# import pyopencl as cl
from pycuda import characterize
import pycuda.driver as cuda
import pycuda.compiler
from instagraal.gpustruct import GPUStruct
from pycuda import gpuarray as ga

# from pycuda.scan import InclusiveScanKernel

import as cudagl

import codepy.cgen as cgen
from codepy.bpl import BoostPythonModule
from codepy.cuda import CudaModule
import codepy.jit
import codepy.toolchain

import time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# import optim_rippe_curve as opti1
import instagraal.optim_rippe_curve_update as opti
import instagraal.init_nuisance as nuis

# from OpenGL.arrays import vbo
import scipy as scp

from instagraal import log
from instagraal.log import logger

import pkg_resources


# from scipy import ndimage as ndi
# from scipy import stats
# import Image

[docs]class sampler: def __init__( self, use_rippe, S_o_A_frags, collector_id_repeats, frag_dispatcher, id_frag_duplicated, id_frags_blacklisted, n_frags, n_new_frags, init_n_sub_frags, n_new_sub_frags, np_rep_sub_frags_id, sub_sampled_sparse_matrix, np_sub_frags_len_bp, np_sub_frags_id, np_sub_frags_accu, np_sub_frags_2_frags, mean_squared_frags_per_bin, norm_vect_accu, sub_candidates_dup, sub_candidates_output_data, S_o_A_sub_frags, sub_collector_id_repeats, sub_frag_dispatcher, sparse_matrix, mean_value_trans, n_iterations, is_simu, gl_window, pos_vbo, col_vbo, vel, pos, raw_im_init, pbo_im_buffer, gl_size_im, ): self.o = 0 self.log_e = 0.43429448190325182 self.sparse_matrix = sparse_matrix + sparse_matrix.transpose() self.n_single_frags = np.int32( init_n_sub_frags - len(sub_candidates_dup) ) self.sub_sampled_sparse_matrix = sub_sampled_sparse_matrix self.np_sub_frags_2_frags = np_sub_frags_2_frags self.gpu_sub_frags_2_frags = cuda.mem_alloc( self.np_sub_frags_2_frags.nbytes ) cuda.memcpy_htod(self.gpu_sub_frags_2_frags, self.np_sub_frags_2_frags) # repeatead candidates info self.sub_candidates_dup = sub_candidates_dup self.sub_candidates_output_data = sub_candidates_output_data self.init_n_sub_frags = np.int32(init_n_sub_frags) self.sparse_data_2_gpu() self.use_rippe = use_rippe self.gl_window = gl_window self.ctx = gl_window.ctx_gl self.pos_vbo = pos_vbo self.col_vbo = col_vbo self.pos = pos self.vel = vel self.load_gl_cuda_vbo() self.id_frags_blacklisted = id_frags_blacklisted self.int4 = np.dtype( [ ("x", np.int32), ("y", np.int32), ("z", np.int32), ("n", np.int32), ], align=True, ) self.float3 = np.dtype( [("x", np.float32), ("y", np.float32), ("z", np.float32)], align=True, ) self.int3 = np.dtype( [("x", np.int32), ("y", np.int32), ("z", np.int32)], align=True ) self.np_id_frag_duplicated = np.int32(id_frag_duplicated) self.id_frag_duplicated = id_frag_duplicated self.n_frags = np.int32(n_frags) self.n_new_frags = np.int32(n_new_frags) self.n_new_sub_frags = np.int32(n_new_sub_frags) self.uniq_frags = np.int32( np.lib.arraysetops.setdiff1d( np.arange(0, self.n_frags, dtype=np.int32), self.np_id_frag_duplicated, ) ) self.n_frags_uniq = np.int32(len(self.uniq_frags)) self.n_values_triu = np.int32(self.n_frags * (self.n_frags - 1) / 2) self.init_n_values_triu = np.int32( self.n_frags * (self.n_frags - 1) / 2 ) self.new_n_values_triu = np.int32( self.n_new_frags * (self.n_new_frags - 1) / 2 ) self.init_n_sub_values_triu = np.int32( self.init_n_sub_frags * (self.init_n_sub_frags - 1) / 2 ) self.new_n_sub_values_triu = np.int32( self.n_new_sub_frags * (self.n_new_sub_frags - 1) / 2 ) self.init_n_values_triu_extra = self.init_n_values_triu + self.n_frags self.init_n_sub_values_triu_extra = ( self.init_n_sub_values_triu + self.init_n_sub_frags ) self.n_insert_blocks = 6 # self.n_insert_blocks = 0 self.n_tmp_struct = 12 + self.n_insert_blocks * 2 if self.n_insert_blocks == 0: self.active_insert_blocks = False self.size_block_4_sub = 128 else: self.active_insert_blocks = True self.size_block_4_sub = 64 self.is_simu = is_simu self.norm_vect_accu = norm_vect_accu self.np_sub_frags_len_bp = np_sub_frags_len_bp self.np_sub_frags_id = np_sub_frags_id self.np_sub_frags_accu = np_sub_frags_accu # self.hic_matrix_sub_sampled = hic_matrix_sub_sampled self.mean_squared_frags_per_bin = np.float32( mean_squared_frags_per_bin ) # print "size hic matrix = ", hic_matrix.nbytes/10**6 self.collector_id_repeats = collector_id_repeats self.gpu_collector_id_repeats = ga.to_gpu( ary=self.collector_id_repeats ) self.frag_dispatcher = frag_dispatcher self.gpu_frag_dispatcher = cuda.mem_alloc(self.frag_dispatcher.nbytes) cuda.memcpy_htod(self.gpu_frag_dispatcher, self.frag_dispatcher) self.np_rep_sub_frags_id = np_rep_sub_frags_id self.gpu_rep_sub_frags_id = cuda.mem_alloc_like( self.np_rep_sub_frags_id ) cuda.memcpy_htod(self.gpu_rep_sub_frags_id, self.np_rep_sub_frags_id) self.gpu_uniq_frags = ga.to_gpu(ary=self.uniq_frags) self.sub_collector_id_repeats = sub_collector_id_repeats self.sub_frag_dispatcher = sub_frag_dispatcher self.gpu_sub_frag_dispatcher = cuda.mem_alloc_like( self.sub_frag_dispatcher ) cuda.memcpy_htod( self.gpu_sub_frag_dispatcher, self.sub_frag_dispatcher ) self.gpu_sub_collector_id_repeats = cuda.mem_alloc_like( self.sub_collector_id_repeats ) cuda.memcpy_htod( self.gpu_sub_collector_id_repeats, self.sub_collector_id_repeats ) self.S_o_A_frags = S_o_A_frags self.S_o_A_sub_frags = S_o_A_sub_frags self.mean_n_accu = np.int32( np.round(self.S_o_A_frags["n_accu"].mean()) ) self.mean_len_bp_frags = self.S_o_A_sub_frags["len_bp"].mean() self.mean_value_trans = mean_value_trans self.param_simu_rippe = np.dtype( [ ("kuhn", np.float32), ("lm", np.float32), ("c1", np.float32), ("slope", np.float32), ("d", np.float32), ("d_max", np.float32), ("fact", np.float32), ("v_inter", np.float32), ], align=True, ) self.param_simu_exp = np.dtype( [ ("d0", np.float32), ("d_max", np.float32), ("alpha_0", np.float32), ("alpha_1", np.float32), ("fact", np.float32), ("v_inter", np.float32), ], align=True, ) if self.use_rippe: self.param_simu_T = self.param_simu_rippe else: self.param_simu_T = self.param_simu_exp self.setup_all_gpu_struct() self.n_iterations = n_iterations self.np_init_prev = np.copy(self.S_o_A_frags["prev"]) self.np_init_next = np.copy(self.S_o_A_frags["next"]) self.np_init_orientable = [] for idf in range(0, self.n_new_frags): id_d = self.S_o_A_frags["id_d"][idf] self.np_init_orientable.append(self.np_sub_frags_id[id_d]["w"] > 1) self.np_init_orientable = np.array( self.np_init_orientable, dtype=np.int32 ) self.np_init_ori = np.ones((self.n_new_frags,), dtype=np.int32) # ######################## self.n_generators = 100 seed = 1 self.rng_states = cuda.mem_alloc( self.n_generators * characterize.sizeof( "curandStateXORWOW", "#include <curand_kernel.h>" ) ) (free, total) = cuda.mem_get_info() logger.debug( ( "Global memory occupancy after init:%f%% free" % (free * 100. / total) ) ) logger.debug( ("Global free memory after init:%i Mo free" % (free / 10 ** 6.)) )"loading kernels ...") kernel_adapt_entry_point = pkg_resources.resource_filename( "instagraal", "kernels/" ) kernel_entry_point = pkg_resources.resource_filename( "instagraal", "kernels/" ) if self.active_insert_blocks: self.loadProgram(kernel_adapt_entry_point) else: self.loadProgram(kernel_entry_point)"kernels compiled") self.stride = 200 seed = 1 self.init_rng( np.int32(self.n_generators), self.rng_states, np.uint64(seed), np.uint64(0), block=(64, 1, 1), grid=(self.n_generators // 64 + 1, 1), ) self.setup_distri_frags() # THRUST MODULE ## # Make a host_module, compiled for CPU self.setup_thrust_modules() # self.texref = self.module.get_texref("tex") self.raw_im_init = raw_im_init self.pbo_im_buffer = pbo_im_buffer self.gl_size_im = gl_size_im precision = 1 self.sparse_data_4_gl(precision) self.load_gl_cuda_tex_buffer(self.raw_im_init) self.im_thresh = 50
[docs] def setup_all_gpu_struct(self,): self.n_threads_mutations = int( np.power(2, np.floor(np.log2(self.n_tmp_struct)) + 1) ) self.gpu_vect_frags = self.create_gpu_struct(data=self.S_o_A_frags) self.cpu_id_contigs = np.copy(self.S_o_A_frags["id_c"]) self.gpu_id_contigs = ga.to_gpu(self.cpu_id_contigs) self.collector_gpu_vect_frags = [] for k in range(0, self.n_tmp_struct): self.collector_gpu_vect_frags.append( self.create_gpu_struct(data=None) ) sub_vect_dist = np.ones( (self.n_new_sub_frags * self.n_tmp_struct,), dtype=np.float32 ) self.collect_gpu_vect_dist = ga.to_gpu(sub_vect_dist) sub_vect_id_c = np.ones( (self.n_new_sub_frags * self.n_tmp_struct,), dtype=np.int32 ) self.collect_gpu_vect_id_c = ga.to_gpu(sub_vect_id_c) sub_vect_s_tot = np.ones( (self.n_new_sub_frags * self.n_tmp_struct,), dtype=np.float32 ) self.collect_gpu_vect_s_tot = ga.to_gpu(sub_vect_s_tot) sub_vect_pos = np.ones( (self.n_new_sub_frags * self.n_tmp_struct,), dtype=np.int32 ) self.collect_gpu_vect_pos = ga.to_gpu(sub_vect_pos) sub_vect_len = np.ones( (self.n_new_sub_frags * self.n_tmp_struct,), dtype=np.int32 ) self.collect_gpu_vect_len = ga.to_gpu(sub_vect_len) self.pop_gpu_vect_frags = self.create_gpu_struct(data=None) self.scrambled_gpu_vect_frags = self.create_gpu_struct(data=None) self.pop_cpu_id_contigs = np.copy(self.cpu_id_contigs) self.pop_gpu_id_contigs = ga.to_gpu(self.pop_cpu_id_contigs) self.trans1_gpu_vect_frags = self.create_gpu_struct(data=None) self.trans1_cpu_id_contigs = np.copy(self.cpu_id_contigs) self.trans1_gpu_id_contigs = ga.to_gpu(self.trans1_cpu_id_contigs) self.trans2_gpu_vect_frags = self.create_gpu_struct(data=None) self.trans2_cpu_id_contigs = np.copy(self.cpu_id_contigs) self.trans2_gpu_id_contigs = ga.to_gpu(self.trans2_cpu_id_contigs) self.gpu_counter_select = ga.zeros(1, dtype=np.int32) self.gpu_counter_select_gl = ga.zeros(1, dtype=np.int32) self.gpu_list_len_cont = ga.zeros(self.n_frags, dtype=np.int32) self.gpu_likelihood_on_zeros = ga.zeros(1, dtype=np.float64) self.gpu_likelihood_on_zeros_nuis = ga.zeros(1, dtype=np.float64) self.gpu_vect_likelihood_z = ga.zeros( self.n_tmp_struct, dtype=np.float64 ) self.gpu_n_vals_intra = ga.zeros(1, dtype=np.int32) self.gpu_all_n_vals_intra = ga.zeros(self.n_tmp_struct, dtype=np.int32) self.gpu_n_tot_sub_frags = ga.zeros(1, dtype=np.int32) self.n_pixl_sub_mat = ( self.init_n_sub_frags * (self.init_n_sub_frags - 1) / 2 ) sub_vect_dist = np.ones((self.n_new_sub_frags,), dtype=np.float32) self.gpu_vect_dist = ga.to_gpu(sub_vect_dist) sub_vect_id_c = np.ones((self.n_new_sub_frags,), dtype=np.int32) self.gpu_vect_id_c = ga.to_gpu(sub_vect_id_c) sub_vect_s_tot = np.ones((self.n_new_sub_frags,), dtype=np.float32) self.gpu_vect_s_tot = ga.to_gpu(sub_vect_s_tot) sub_vect_pos = np.ones((self.n_new_sub_frags,), dtype=np.int32) self.gpu_vect_pos = ga.to_gpu(sub_vect_pos) sub_vect_len = np.ones((self.n_new_sub_frags,), dtype=np.int32) self.gpu_vect_len = ga.to_gpu(sub_vect_len) self.gpu_vect_dist_mut = ga.zeros( (self.n_new_sub_frags,), dtype=np.float32 ) self.gpu_vect_id_c_mut = ga.zeros( (self.n_new_sub_frags,), dtype=np.int32 ) self.gpu_vect_s_tot_mut = ga.zeros( (self.n_new_sub_frags,), dtype=np.float32 ) self.gpu_vect_pos_mut = ga.zeros( (self.n_new_sub_frags,), dtype=np.int32 ) self.gpu_vect_len_mut = ga.zeros( (self.n_new_sub_frags,), dtype=np.int32 ) self.gpu_list_uniq_mutations = ga.zeros( (self.n_tmp_struct,), dtype=np.int32 ) self.gpu_n_uniq = ga.zeros((1,), dtype=np.int32) self.gpu_n_pixl_sub_mat = ga.zeros((1,), dtype=np.float64) self.gpu_n_pixl_sub_mat.fill(np.float64(self.n_pixl_sub_mat)) self.gpu_sub_sp_block_indptr = ga.to_gpu( np.zeros((self.n_non_zero,), dtype=np.int32) ) self.gpu_info_blocks = ga.to_gpu( np.zeros( (int(self.n_non_zero / self.size_block_4_sub + 1),), dtype=self.int3, ) ) self.gpu_sub_vect_likelihood_nz = ga.to_gpu( np.zeros((self.n_tmp_struct,), dtype=np.float64) ) self.gpu_curr_likelihood_nz_extract = ga.zeros(1, dtype=np.float64) self.gpu_all_scores = ga.to_gpu( np.zeros((self.n_tmp_struct,), dtype=np.float64) ) self.gpu_curr_likelihood_nz = ga.to_gpu( np.zeros((1,), dtype=np.float64) ) self.gpu_curr_likelihood_nz_nuis = ga.to_gpu( np.zeros((1,), dtype=np.float64) ) self.gpu_val_likelihood_4_mut = ga.to_gpu( np.zeros((1,), dtype=np.float64) ) self.gpu_uniq_id_c = ga.zeros((self.n_new_sub_frags,), dtype=np.int32) self.gpu_uniq_len = ga.zeros((self.n_new_sub_frags,), dtype=np.int32) self.gpu_old_2_new_id_c = ga.zeros( np.int32((self.n_new_sub_frags + self.n_new_sub_frags / 10,)), dtype=np.int32, ) # security length if self.active_insert_blocks: # self.gpu_list_bounds = ga.to_gpu(ary=np.array(range(1, # self.n_insert_blocks + 1), dtype=np.int32)) list_size = np.array( [1, 3, 5, 10, 20, 50, 200, 200], dtype=np.int32 ) self.max_bounds_insert = list_size[ : self.n_insert_blocks ].max() * np.int32( np.round(self.S_o_A_frags["sub_len"].mean()) + 1 ) # approximation of sub size to extract in full matrix self.gpu_list_valid_insert = ga.zeros( (self.n_insert_blocks * 2), dtype=np.int32 ) self.gpu_list_bounds = ga.to_gpu( ary=np.array(list_size[: self.n_insert_blocks], dtype=np.int32) ) self.gpu_list_f_upstream = ga.zeros( (self.n_insert_blocks,), dtype=np.int32 ) self.gpu_list_f_downstream = ga.zeros( (self.n_insert_blocks,), dtype=np.int32 )
[docs] def setup_thrust_modules(self): host_mod = BoostPythonModule() # Make a device module, compiled with NVCC nvcc_mod = CudaModule(host_mod) # Describe device module code # NVCC includes nvcc_includes = [ "thrust/sort.h", "thrust/iterator/zip_iterator.h", "thrust/device_vector.h", "cuda.h", "thrust/scan.h", ] # Add includes to module nvcc_mod.add_to_preamble([cgen.Include(x) for x in nvcc_includes]) # NVCC function sort by keys 3 cuda arrays nvcc_function_sort_by_keys_zip = cgen.FunctionBody( cgen.FunctionDeclaration( cgen.Value("void", "my_sort_zip"), [ cgen.Value("CUdeviceptr", "input_ptr_keys"), cgen.Value("int", "length"), cgen.Value("CUdeviceptr", "input_ptr_valsa"), cgen.Value("CUdeviceptr", "input_ptr_valsb"), ], ), cgen.Block( [ cgen.Statement( "thrust::device_ptr<int> " "thrust_ptr((int*)input_ptr_keys)" ), cgen.Statement( "thrust::device_ptr<int> " "thrust_ptr_valsa((int*)input_ptr_valsa)" ), cgen.Statement( "thrust::device_ptr<int> " "thrust_ptr_valsb((int*)input_ptr_valsb)" ), cgen.Statement( "thrust::tuple< thrust::device_ptr<int>, " "thrust::device_ptr<int> > keytup_begin = " "thrust::make_tuple(thrust_ptr_valsa,thrust_ptr_valsb)" ), cgen.Statement( "thrust::zip_iterator<thrust::tuple" "<thrust::device_ptr<int>, thrust::device_ptr<int> > >" " first = thrust::make_zip_iterator(keytup_begin)" ), cgen.Statement( "thrust::stable_sort_by_key(thrust_ptr, " "thrust_ptr+length, first)" ), ] ), ) # Add declaration to nvcc_mod # Adds declaration to host_mod as well nvcc_mod.add_function(nvcc_function_sort_by_keys_zip) # NVCC function sort by keys 3 cuda arrays nvcc_function_sort_by_keys_zip_cmplex = cgen.FunctionBody( cgen.FunctionDeclaration( cgen.Value("void", "my_sort_zip_cmplex"), [ cgen.Value("CUdeviceptr", "input_ptr_keys_a"), cgen.Value("CUdeviceptr", "input_ptr_keys_b"), cgen.Value("int", "length"), cgen.Value("CUdeviceptr", "input_ptr_vals"), ], ), cgen.Block( [ cgen.Statement( "thrust::device_ptr<int> " "thrust_ptr_v((int*)input_ptr_vals)" ), cgen.Statement( "thrust::device_ptr<int> " "thrust_ptr_keysa((int*)input_ptr_keys_a)" ), cgen.Statement( "thrust::device_ptr<int> " "thrust_ptr_keysb((int*)input_ptr_keys_b)" ), cgen.Statement( "thrust::tuple< thrust::device_ptr<int>, " "thrust::device_ptr<int> > keytup_begin = " "thrust::make_tuple(thrust_ptr_keysa,thrust_ptr_keysb)" ), cgen.Statement( "thrust::zip_iterator<thrust::tuple<thrust::device_ptr" "<int>, thrust::device_ptr<int> > > first = " "thrust::make_zip_iterator(keytup_begin)" ), cgen.Statement( "thrust::stable_sort_by_key(first, first+length, " "thrust_ptr_v)" ), ] ), ) # Add declaration to nvcc_mod # Adds declaration to host_mod as well nvcc_mod.add_function(nvcc_function_sort_by_keys_zip_cmplex) # NVCC function sort by keys a 2 cuda arrays nvcc_function_sort_by_keys_simple = cgen.FunctionBody( cgen.FunctionDeclaration( cgen.Value("void", "my_sort_simple"), [ cgen.Value("CUdeviceptr", "input_ptr_keys"), cgen.Value("int", "length"), cgen.Value("CUdeviceptr", "input_ptr_vals"), ], ), cgen.Block( [ cgen.Statement( "thrust::device_ptr<int> " "thrust_ptr((int*)input_ptr_keys)" ), cgen.Statement( "thrust::device_ptr<int> " "thrust_ptr_v((int*)input_ptr_vals)" ), cgen.Statement( "thrust::stable_sort_by_key(thrust_ptr, " "thrust_ptr+length, thrust_ptr_v, " "thrust::greater<int>())" ), ] ), ) # Add declaration to nvcc_mod # Adds declaration to host_mod as well nvcc_mod.add_function(nvcc_function_sort_by_keys_simple) # NVCC function prefix sum nvcc_function_prefix_sum = cgen.FunctionBody( cgen.FunctionDeclaration( cgen.Value("void", "my_prefix_sum"), [ cgen.Value("CUdeviceptr", "input_ptr_vals"), cgen.Value("int", "length"), ], ), cgen.Block( [ cgen.Statement( "thrust::device_ptr<int> " "thrust_ptr_v((int*)input_ptr_vals)" ), cgen.Statement( "thrust::exclusive_scan(thrust_ptr_v, " "thrust_ptr_v+length,thrust_ptr_v)" ), ] ), ) # Add declaration to nvcc_mod # Adds declaration to host_mod as well nvcc_mod.add_function(nvcc_function_prefix_sum) host_includes = ["boost/python/extract.hpp"] # Add host includes to module host_mod.add_to_preamble([cgen.Include(x) for x in host_includes]) host_namespaces = ["using namespace boost::python"] # Add BPL using statement host_mod.add_to_preamble([cgen.Statement(x) for x in host_namespaces]) host_statements_sort_zip = [ # Extract information from PyCUDA GPUArray # Get length # 'tuple shape = extract<tuple>(gpu_array_keys.attr("shape"))', "int length = n_vals", # 'int length = extract<int>(shape[0])', # Get data pointer "CUdeviceptr ptr_keys = " 'extract<CUdeviceptr>(gpu_array_keys.attr("gpudata"))', "CUdeviceptr ptr_valsa = " 'extract<CUdeviceptr>(gpu_array_valsa.attr("gpudata"))', "CUdeviceptr ptr_valsb = " 'extract<CUdeviceptr>(gpu_array_valsb.attr("gpudata"))', # Call Thrust routine, compiled into the CudaModule "my_sort_zip(ptr_keys, length, ptr_valsa, ptr_valsb)", # Return result "return gpu_array_keys", ] host_mod.add_function( cgen.FunctionBody( cgen.FunctionDeclaration( cgen.Value("object", "sort_by_keys_zip"), [ cgen.Value("object", "gpu_array_keys"), cgen.Value("int", "n_vals"), cgen.Value("object", "gpu_array_valsa"), cgen.Value("object", "gpu_array_valsb"), ], ), cgen.Block( [cgen.Statement(x) for x in host_statements_sort_zip] ), ) ) host_statements_sort_zip_cmplex = [ # Extract information from PyCUDA GPUArray # Get length # 'tuple shape = extract<tuple>(gpu_array_keys.attr("shape"))', "int length = n_vals", # 'int length = extract<int>(shape[0])', # Get data pointer """CUdeviceptr ptr_keys_a = """ """extract<CUdeviceptr>(gpu_array_keys_a.attr("gpudata"))""", """CUdeviceptr ptr_keys_b = """ """extract<CUdeviceptr>(gpu_array_keys_b.attr("gpudata"))""", """CUdeviceptr ptr_vals = """ """extract<CUdeviceptr>(gpu_array_vals.attr("gpudata"))""", # Call Thrust routine, compiled into the CudaModule "my_sort_zip_cmplex(ptr_keys_a, ptr_keys_b, length, ptr_vals)", # Return result "return gpu_array_keys_a", ] host_mod.add_function( cgen.FunctionBody( cgen.FunctionDeclaration( cgen.Value("object", "sort_by_keys_zip_cmplex"), [ cgen.Value("object", "gpu_array_keys_a"), cgen.Value("object", "gpu_array_keys_b"), cgen.Value("int", "n_vals"), cgen.Value("object", "gpu_array_vals"), ], ), cgen.Block( [ cgen.Statement(x) for x in host_statements_sort_zip_cmplex ] ), ) ) host_statements_sort_simple = [ # Extract information from PyCUDA GPUArray # Get length # 'tuple shape = extract<tuple>(gpu_array_keys.attr("shape"))', "int length = n_vals", # 'int length = extract<int>(shape[0])', # Get data pointer """CUdeviceptr ptr_keys = """ """extract<CUdeviceptr>(gpu_array_keys.attr("gpudata"))""", """CUdeviceptr ptr_vals = """ """extract<CUdeviceptr>(gpu_array_vals.attr("gpudata"))""", # Call Thrust routine, compiled into the CudaModule "my_sort_simple(ptr_keys, length, ptr_vals)", # Return result "return gpu_array_keys", ] host_mod.add_function( cgen.FunctionBody( cgen.FunctionDeclaration( cgen.Value("object", "sort_by_keys_simple"), [ cgen.Value("object", "gpu_array_keys"), cgen.Value("int", "n_vals"), cgen.Value("object", "gpu_array_vals"), ], ), cgen.Block( [cgen.Statement(x) for x in host_statements_sort_simple] ), ) ) host_statements_prefix_sum = [ # Extract information from PyCUDA GPUArray # Get length "int length = n_vals", # Get data pointer """CUdeviceptr ptr_vals = """ """extract<CUdeviceptr>(gpu_array_vals.attr("gpudata"))""", # Call Thrust routine, compiled into the CudaModule "my_prefix_sum(ptr_vals, length)", # Return result "return gpu_array_vals", ] host_mod.add_function( cgen.FunctionBody( cgen.FunctionDeclaration( cgen.Value("object", "prefix_sum"), [ cgen.Value("object", "gpu_array_vals"), cgen.Value("int", "n_vals"), ], ), cgen.Block( [cgen.Statement(x) for x in host_statements_prefix_sum] ), ) ) # Print out generated code, to see what we're actually compiling # print("---------------------- Host code ----------------------") # print(host_mod.generate()) # print("--------------------- Device code ---------------------") # print(nvcc_mod.generate()) # print("-------------------------------------------------------") # Compile modules gcc_toolchain = codepy.toolchain.guess_toolchain() nvcc_toolchain = codepy.toolchain.guess_nvcc_toolchain() self.thrust_module = nvcc_mod.compile( gcc_toolchain, nvcc_toolchain, debug=True )
[docs] def create_gpu_struct(self, data): if data is None: gpu_vect = GPUStruct( [ ( np.int32, "*pos", np.zeros((self.n_new_frags,), dtype=np.int32), ), ( np.int32, "*sub_pos", np.zeros((self.n_new_frags,), dtype=np.int32), ), ( np.int32, "*id_c", np.zeros((self.n_new_frags,), dtype=np.int32), ), ( np.int32, "*start_bp", np.zeros((self.n_new_frags,), dtype=np.int32), ), ( np.int32, "*len_bp", np.zeros((self.n_new_frags,), dtype=np.int32), ), ( np.int32, "*sub_len", np.zeros((self.n_new_frags,), dtype=np.int32), ), ( np.int32, "*circ", np.zeros((self.n_new_frags,), dtype=np.int32), ), ( np.int32, "*id", np.zeros((self.n_new_frags,), dtype=np.int32), ), ( np.int32, "*prev", np.zeros((self.n_new_frags,), dtype=np.int32), ), ( np.int32, "*next", np.zeros((self.n_new_frags,), dtype=np.int32), ), ( np.int32, "*l_cont", np.zeros((self.n_new_frags,), dtype=np.int32), ), ( np.int32, "*sub_l_cont", np.zeros((self.n_new_frags,), dtype=np.int32), ), ( np.int32, "*l_cont_bp", np.zeros((self.n_new_frags,), dtype=np.int32), ), ( np.int32, "*ori", np.zeros((self.n_new_frags,), dtype=np.int32), ), ( np.int32, "*rep", np.zeros((self.n_new_frags,), dtype=np.int32), ), ( np.int32, "*activ", np.zeros((self.n_new_frags,), dtype=np.int32), ), ( np.int32, "*id_d", np.zeros((self.n_new_frags,), dtype=np.int32), ), ] ) else: gpu_vect = GPUStruct( [ (np.int32, "*pos", np.copy(data["pos"])), (np.int32, "*sub_pos", np.copy(data["sub_pos"])), (np.int32, "*id_c", np.copy(data["id_c"])), (np.int32, "*start_bp", np.copy(data["start_bp"])), (np.int32, "*len_bp", np.copy(data["len_bp"])), (np.int32, "*sub_len", np.copy(data["sub_len"])), (np.int32, "*circ", np.copy(data["circ"])), (np.int32, "*id", np.copy(data["id"])), (np.int32, "*prev", np.copy(data["prev"])), (np.int32, "*next", np.copy(data["next"])), (np.int32, "*l_cont", np.copy(data["l_cont"])), (np.int32, "*sub_l_cont", np.copy(data["sub_l_cont"])), (np.int32, "*l_cont_bp", np.copy(data["l_cont_bp"])), ( np.int32, "*ori", np.ones((self.n_new_frags,), dtype=np.int32), ), (np.int32, "*rep", np.copy(data["rep"])), (np.int32, "*activ", np.copy(data["activ"])), (np.int32, "*id_d", np.copy(data["id_d"])), ] ) gpu_vect.copy_to_gpu() return gpu_vect
[docs] def sparse_data_2_gpu(self,): # extract matrix withtout repeats id_single = [] self.sym_sub_sampled_sparse_matrix = ( self.sub_sampled_sparse_matrix + self.sub_sampled_sparse_matrix.T ) for i in range(0, self.init_n_sub_frags): if i not in self.sub_candidates_dup: id_single.append(i) self.id_single = np.array(id_single, dtype=np.int32) self.id_rep = np.array(self.sub_candidates_dup, dtype=np.int32) mat_csr = self.sparse_matrix.tocsr() tmp_mat_1 = mat_csr[self.id_single, :] tmp_mat_2 = tmp_mat_1.tocsc() tmp_mat_3 = tmp_mat_2[:, self.id_single] self.mat_without_repeats = tmp_mat_3.tocsr() # single Vs single self.hay_repeats = len(self.sub_candidates_dup) > 0 if self.hay_repeats: self.mat_with_repeats = self.sparse_matrix[ self.sub_candidates_dup, : ] # repeats Vs all # HERE WE GO !!!!! total_mem_sparse = 0 self.sub_sparse_sorted_data = [] self.sub_sparse_sorted_ind = [] self.nnz =[0] for i in range(0, self.sub_sampled_sparse_matrix.shape[0]): s0 = self.sub_sampled_sparse_matrix.indptr[i] s1 = self.sub_sampled_sparse_matrix.indptr[i + 1] loc_ind = np.copy(self.sub_sampled_sparse_matrix.indices[s0:s1]) loc_data = np.copy([s0:s1]) id_sort = np.argsort(loc_data) data_2_push = list(loc_data[id_sort]) data_2_push.reverse() ind_2_push = list(loc_ind[id_sort]) ind_2_push.reverse() self.sub_sparse_sorted_data.extend(data_2_push) self.sub_sparse_sorted_ind.extend(ind_2_push) self.sparse_matrix_coo = self.sparse_matrix.tocoo() self.mat_without_repeats_coo_tmp = self.mat_without_repeats.tocoo() self.mat_without_repeats_coo = scp.sparse.triu( self.mat_without_repeats_coo_tmp, k=1, format="coo" ) if self.hay_repeats: self.mat_with_repeats_coo_tmp = self.mat_with_repeats.tocoo() self.mat_with_repeats_coo = scp.sparse.triu( self.mat_with_repeats_coo_tmp, k=1, format="coo" ) # self.gpu_sp_data = ga.to_gpu( # self.gpu_sp_indptr = ga.to_gpu(ary=self.sparse_matrix.indptr) # self.gpu_sp_rows = ga.to_gpu(ary=self.sparse_matrix_coo.row) # self.gpu_sp_cols = ga.to_gpu(ary=self.sparse_matrix_coo.col) self.gpu_id_single = ga.to_gpu(ary=self.id_single) self.gpu_sp_no_rep_data = ga.to_gpu( ) # self.gpu_sp_no_rep_indptr = # ga.to_gpu(ary=self.mat_without_repeats.indptr) self.gpu_sp_no_rep_rows = ga.to_gpu( ary=self.mat_without_repeats_coo.row ) self.gpu_sp_no_rep_cols = ga.to_gpu( ary=self.mat_without_repeats_coo.col ) self.gpu_sub_sp_no_rep_data = ga.to_gpu( ary=np.zeros_like( ) self.gpu_sub_sp_no_rep_rows = ga.to_gpu( ary=np.zeros_like( ) self.gpu_sub_sp_no_rep_cols = ga.to_gpu( ary=np.zeros_like( ) self.n_non_zero =[0] self.gpu_collect_frags_4_sp = ga.to_gpu( ary=np.zeros((self.id_single.shape[0] + 1,), dtype=np.int32) ) if self.hay_repeats: self.gpu_id_ok_rep = ga.to_gpu(ary=self.id_rep) self.gpu_sp_rep_data = ga.to_gpu( self.gpu_sp_rep_indptr = ga.to_gpu( ary=self.mat_with_repeats.indptr ) self.gpu_sp_rep_rows = ga.to_gpu(ary=self.mat_with_repeats_coo.row) self.gpu_sp_rep_cols = ga.to_gpu(ary=self.mat_with_repeats_coo.col) # self.gpu_sp_n_indices = np.int32(self.sparse_matrix.indices.shape[0]) total_mem_sparse = ( + self.sparse_matrix.indptr.nbytes + self.sparse_matrix_coo.row.nbytes + self.sparse_matrix_coo.col.nbytes ) # self.gpu_sub_sp_data = # ga.to_gpu( # self.gpu_sub_sp_indptr = # ga.to_gpu(ary=self.sub_sampled_sparse_matrix.indptr) # self.gpu_sub_sp_indices = # ga.to_gpu(ary=self.sub_sampled_sparse_matrix.indices) # self.gpu_sub_sp_n_indices = # np.int32(self.sub_sampled_sparse_matrix.indices.shape[0]) # total_mem_sparse += + # self.sub_sampled_sparse_matrix.indptr.nbytes + \ # self.sub_sampled_sparse_matrix.indices.nbytes "total mem used by sparse data = {}".format( np.float32(total_mem_sparse) / 10 ** 6. ) )
[docs] def sparse_data_4_gl(self, precision): # create sparse data 4 opengl purposes. take only value above limit # self.sub_mat = self.sub_sampled_sparse_matrix.tocoo() self.sub_mat = scp.sparse.triu( self.sub_sampled_sparse_matrix, k=1, format="coo" ) rows = self.sub_mat.row cols = self.sub_mat.col data = id = np.nonzero(data > precision)[0] self.n_data_4_gl = len(id) self.mat_4_gl = scp.sparse.coo_matrix( (data[id], (rows[id], cols[id])), shape=self.sub_mat.shape ) self.gpu_rows_4_gl = ga.to_gpu(ary=self.mat_4_gl.row) self.gpu_cols_4_gl = ga.to_gpu(ary=self.mat_4_gl.col) self.gpu_data_4_gl = ga.to_gpu( self.gpu_ptr_4_gl = ga.zeros_like(self.gpu_data_4_gl) self.gpu_counter_select_4_gl = ga.zeros((1,), dtype=np.int32) self.gpu_vect_gl_pxl_frag = ga.zeros( (self.n_new_frags,), dtype=np.int32 )
[docs] def dist_inter_genome(self, tmp_gpu_vect_frags): tmp_gpu_vect_frags.copy_from_gpu() g1 = tmp_gpu_vect_frags n_frags_blacklisted = len(self.id_frags_blacklisted) d = 3.0 * (self.n_new_frags - n_frags_blacklisted) norm_distance = 3.0 * (self.n_new_frags - n_frags_blacklisted) # d = 3.0 * self.n_new_frags for id_f in range(0, self.n_new_frags): if id_f not in self.id_frags_blacklisted: prev_t0 = self.np_init_prev[id_f] prev_t1 = g1.prev[id_f] next_t0 = self.np_init_next[id_f] next_t1 =[id_f] ori_t0 = self.np_init_ori[id_f] ori_t1 = g1.ori[id_f] swap = 1 if ((prev_t1 == prev_t0) and (next_t1 == next_t0)) or ( (prev_t1 == next_t0) and (next_t1 == prev_t0) ): d -= 1 # if not(self.np_init_orientable[id_f]): # d -= 2 if self.np_init_orientable[id_f]: if ori_t0 != ori_t1: tmp = prev_t1 prev_t1 = next_t1 next_t1 = tmp swap = -1 if prev_t0 == prev_t1: if prev_t0 == -1: d -= 1 elif not (self.np_init_orientable[prev_t1]): d -= 1 else: d -= 0.5 ori_prev_t0 = self.np_init_ori[prev_t0] ori_prev_t1 = g1.ori[prev_t1] if ori_prev_t0 == swap * ori_prev_t1: d -= 0.5 if next_t0 == next_t1: if next_t0 == -1: d -= 1 elif not (self.np_init_orientable[next_t1]): d -= 1 else: d -= 0.5 ori_next_t0 = self.np_init_ori[next_t0] ori_next_t1 = g1.ori[next_t1] if ori_next_t0 == swap * ori_next_t1: d -= 0.5 else: if (prev_t1 == prev_t0) or (prev_t1 == next_t0): d -= 1 if (next_t1 == next_t0) or (next_t1 == prev_t0): d -= 1 return d / norm_distance
[docs] def approx_single_likelihood_on_zeros(self,): start = cuda.Event() end = cuda.Event() stride = 1 size_block = 1024 block_ = (size_block, 1, 1) n_blocks = int(int(self.init_n_sub_frags) / size_block + 1) grid_ = (max(1, int(n_blocks // stride)), 1) # print "block = ", block_ # print "grid_all = ", grid_ self.gpu_likelihood_on_zeros.fill(0) self.gpu_n_vals_intra.fill(0) self.ctx.synchronize() start.record() self.kern_eval_likelihood_zeros( self.gpu_vect_id_c, self.gpu_vect_s_tot, self.gpu_vect_pos, self.gpu_vect_len, self.gpu_param_simu, np.int32(self.mean_len_bp_frags / 1000.), self.gpu_likelihood_on_zeros, self.gpu_n_vals_intra, np.int32(self.init_n_sub_frags), block=block_, grid=grid_, ) end.record() end.synchronize() # print "CUDA clock execution timing (compute likelihood on zeros): ", # secs self.val_on_zero_intra = ( self.gpu_likelihood_on_zeros.get()[0] * self.log_e ) self.n_vals_intra = self.gpu_n_vals_intra.get()[0] self.val_on_zero_inter = ( self.log_e * (self.n_pixl_sub_mat - self.n_vals_intra) * -1.0 * self.param_simu["v_inter"][0] ) self.curr_likelihood_on_z = ( self.val_on_zero_intra + self.val_on_zero_inter )
# print "GPU execution time ( approx on zeros single) = ", t1 - t0
[docs] def approx_single_likelihood_on_zeros_nuisance(self,): start = cuda.Event() end = cuda.Event() stride = 1 size_block = 1024 block_ = (size_block, 1, 1) n_blocks = int(int(self.init_n_sub_frags) / size_block + 1) grid_ = int(max(1, n_blocks / stride)), 1 # print "block = ", block_ # print "grid_all = ", grid_ self.gpu_likelihood_on_zeros_nuis.fill(0) self.gpu_n_vals_intra.fill(0) start.record() self.kern_eval_likelihood_zeros( self.gpu_vect_id_c, self.gpu_vect_s_tot, self.gpu_vect_pos, self.gpu_vect_len, self.gpu_param_simu_test, np.float32(self.mean_len_bp_frags / 1000.), self.gpu_likelihood_on_zeros_nuis, self.gpu_n_vals_intra, np.int32(self.init_n_sub_frags), block=block_, grid=grid_, ) end.record() end.synchronize() # print "CUDA clock execution timing (compute likelihood on zeros): ", # secs self.val_on_zero_intra_nuis = ( self.gpu_likelihood_on_zeros_nuis.get()[0] * self.log_e ) self.n_vals_intra = self.gpu_n_vals_intra.get()[0] self.val_on_zero_inter_nuis = ( self.log_e * (self.n_pixl_sub_mat - self.n_vals_intra) * -1.0 * self.param_simu_test["v_inter"][0] ) self.curr_likelihood_on_z_nuis = ( self.val_on_zero_intra_nuis + self.val_on_zero_inter_nuis )
# print "GPU execution time ( approx on zeros single) = ", t1 - t0
[docs] def approx_single_likelihood_on_zeros_mut(self,): start = cuda.Event() end = cuda.Event() stride = 1 size_block = 1024 block_ = (size_block, 1, 1) n_blocks = int(self.init_n_sub_frags) / size_block + 1 grid_ = (max(1, n_blocks / stride), 1) # print "block = ", block_ # print "grid_all = ", grid_ self.gpu_likelihood_on_zeros.fill(0) self.gpu_n_vals_intra.fill(0) self.ctx.synchronize() start.record() self.kern_eval_likelihood_zeros( self.gpu_vect_id_c_mut, self.gpu_vect_s_tot_mut, self.gpu_vect_pos_mut, self.gpu_vect_len_mut, self.gpu_param_simu, np.float32(self.mean_len_bp_frags / 1000.), self.gpu_likelihood_on_zeros, self.gpu_n_vals_intra, np.int32(self.init_n_sub_frags), block=block_, grid=grid_, ) end.record() end.synchronize() # print "CUDA clock execution timing (compute likelihood on zeros): ", # secs self.val_on_zero_intra_mut = ( self.gpu_likelihood_on_zeros.get()[0] * self.log_e ) self.n_vals_intra = self.gpu_n_vals_intra.get()[0] self.val_on_zero_inter_mut = ( self.log_e * (self.n_pixl_sub_mat - self.n_vals_intra) * -1.0 * self.param_simu["v_inter"][0] ) self.curr_likelihood_on_z_mut = ( self.val_on_zero_intra_mut + self.val_on_zero_inter_mut )
# self.curr_likelihood_on_z_mut = self.val_on_zero_inter_mut # print "GPU execution time ( approx on zeros single) = ", t1 - t0
[docs] def approx_all_likelihood_on_zeros(self,): start = cuda.Event() end = cuda.Event() stride = 1 size_block = 1024 block_ = (size_block, 1, 1) n_blocks = int(int(self.init_n_sub_frags) / size_block + 1) grid_ = (int(max(1, n_blocks / stride)), 1) self.gpu_vect_likelihood_z.fill(0) self.gpu_all_n_vals_intra.fill(0) self.ctx.synchronize() start.record() self.kern_eval_all_likelihood_zeros_1st( self.collect_gpu_vect_id_c, self.collect_gpu_vect_s_tot, self.collect_gpu_vect_pos, self.collect_gpu_vect_len, self.gpu_param_simu, np.float32(self.mean_len_bp_frags / 1000.), self.gpu_list_uniq_mutations, self.gpu_n_uniq, self.gpu_vect_likelihood_z, self.gpu_all_n_vals_intra, np.int32(self.init_n_sub_frags), block=block_, grid=grid_, ) end.record() end.synchronize() start.record() self.kern_eval_all_likelihood_zeros_2nd( self.gpu_list_uniq_mutations, self.gpu_n_uniq, self.gpu_param_simu, self.gpu_vect_likelihood_z, self.gpu_all_n_vals_intra, self.gpu_n_pixl_sub_mat, block=(self.n_threads_mutations, 1, 1), grid=(1, 1), ) end.record() end.synchronize()
[docs] def fill_dist_all_mut(self,): start = cuda.Event() end = cuda.Event() size_block = 1024 block_ = (size_block, 1, 1) size_all_data = int(self.init_n_sub_frags) n_block = size_all_data // (size_block) + 1 size_grid = max(int(n_block), 1) grid_all = (size_grid, 1) for id_mut in range(0, self.n_tmp_struct): start.record() self.kern_fill_vect_dist_all( self.gpu_sub_frags_2_frags, self.collector_gpu_vect_frags[id_mut].get_ptr(), self.collect_gpu_vect_dist, self.collect_gpu_vect_id_c, self.collect_gpu_vect_s_tot, self.collect_gpu_vect_pos, self.collect_gpu_vect_len, self.gpu_collector_id_repeats, self.gpu_frag_dispatcher, self.gpu_sub_collector_id_repeats, self.gpu_sub_frag_dispatcher, np.int32(self.init_n_sub_frags), np.int32(id_mut), block=block_, grid=grid_all, ) end.record() end.synchronize()
# print "CUDA clock execution timing (compute sub vect distances): # ", secs print "Total time vect frags to sub frags = ", # time.time() - t0
[docs] def fill_dist_single(self,): start = cuda.Event() end = cuda.Event() size_block = 1024 block_ = (size_block, 1, 1) size_all_data = int(self.init_n_sub_frags) n_block = size_all_data // (size_block) + 1 size_grid = max(int(n_block / 1), 1) grid_all = (size_grid, 1) start.record() self.kern_fill_vect_dist_single( self.gpu_sub_frags_2_frags, self.gpu_vect_frags.get_ptr(), self.gpu_vect_dist, self.gpu_vect_id_c, self.gpu_vect_s_tot, self.gpu_vect_pos, self.gpu_vect_len, self.gpu_collector_id_repeats, self.gpu_frag_dispatcher, self.gpu_sub_collector_id_repeats, self.gpu_sub_frag_dispatcher, np.int32(self.init_n_sub_frags), block=block_, grid=grid_all, ) end.record() end.synchronize()
# print "CUDA clock execution timing (compute sub vect distances): ", # secs # print "Total time vect frags to sub frags = ", time.time() - t0
[docs] def fill_dist_single_mut(self, id_mut): start = cuda.Event() end = cuda.Event() size_block = 1024 block_ = (size_block, 1, 1) size_all_data = int(self.init_n_sub_frags) n_block = size_all_data // (size_block) + 1 size_grid = max(int(n_block / 1), 1) grid_all = (size_grid, 1) if id_mut == -1: vect_frags = self.gpu_vect_frags else: vect_frags = self.collector_gpu_vect_frags[id_mut] start.record() self.kern_fill_vect_dist_single( self.gpu_sub_frags_2_frags, vect_frags.get_ptr(), self.gpu_vect_dist_mut, self.gpu_vect_id_c_mut, self.gpu_vect_s_tot_mut, self.gpu_vect_pos_mut, self.gpu_vect_len_mut, self.gpu_collector_id_repeats, self.gpu_frag_dispatcher, self.gpu_sub_collector_id_repeats, self.gpu_sub_frag_dispatcher, np.int32(self.init_n_sub_frags), block=block_, grid=grid_all, ) end.record() end.synchronize()
# print "CUDA clock execution timing (compute sub vect distances): ", # secs print "Total time vect frags to sub frags = ", time.time() - t0
[docs] def slice_sparse_mat(self, id_ctg1, id_ctg2, id_fragA, id_fragB): size_block = self.size_block_4_sub block_ = (size_block, 1, 1) start = cuda.Event() end = cuda.Event() grid_ = (int(self.n_non_zero // size_block + 1), 1) # print "grid = ", grid_ self.gpu_counter_select.fill(0) self.ctx.synchronize() start.record() self.kern_slice_sp_mat( self.gpu_sp_no_rep_data, self.gpu_sp_no_rep_rows, self.gpu_sp_no_rep_cols, self.gpu_vect_frags.get_ptr(), self.gpu_vect_id_c, self.gpu_vect_pos, self.gpu_sub_sp_no_rep_rows, self.gpu_sub_sp_no_rep_cols, self.gpu_sub_sp_no_rep_data, np.int32(id_ctg1), np.int32(id_ctg2), np.int32(id_fragA), np.int32(id_fragB), np.int32(self.max_bounds_insert), self.gpu_counter_select, np.int32(self.n_non_zero), block=block_, grid=grid_, ) end.record() end.synchronize() self.n_sub_vals = self.gpu_counter_select.get()[0] self.thrust_module.sort_by_keys_zip( self.gpu_sub_sp_no_rep_rows, int(self.n_sub_vals), self.gpu_sub_sp_no_rep_cols, self.gpu_sub_sp_no_rep_data, ) n_blocks = int(self.n_sub_vals // self.size_block_4_sub + 1) size_grid = max(int(n_blocks), 1) grid_all = (size_grid, 1) self.gpu_counter_select.fill(0) self.ctx.synchronize() start.record() self.kern_prepare_sparse_call( self.gpu_sub_sp_no_rep_rows, self.gpu_info_blocks, self.gpu_sub_sp_block_indptr, self.gpu_counter_select, np.int32(self.n_sub_vals), block=block_, grid=grid_all, ) end.record() end.synchronize()
# print "GPU all splice: elapsed time = ", t_end - t_start print "GPU # Thrust sort: elapsed time = ", t_thrust_1 - t_thrust_0 print "GPU # splice init : elapsed time = ", elapsed_seconds_splice print "GPU # splice prepare call : elapsed time = ", elapsed_seconds_prepare
[docs] def show_sub_slice(self, id_ctg1, id_ctg2, id_frag_a, id_frag_b): self.gpu_sub_sp_no_rep_data.fill(0) self.gpu_sub_sp_no_rep_rows.fill(0) self.gpu_sub_sp_no_rep_cols.fill(0) self.slice_sparse_mat(id_ctg1, id_ctg2, id_frag_a, id_frag_b) dat = self.gpu_sub_sp_no_rep_data.get()[: self.n_sub_vals] rows = self.gpu_sub_sp_no_rep_rows.get()[: self.n_sub_vals] cols = self.gpu_sub_sp_no_rep_cols.get()[: self.n_sub_vals] self.np_sub_mat = scp.sparse.coo_matrix( (dat, (rows, cols)), shape=(self.init_n_sub_frags, self.init_n_sub_frags), ) plt.spy(self.np_sub_mat, markersize=0.1)
[docs] def eval_all_sub_likelihood(self,): self.fill_dist_all_mut() self.approx_all_likelihood_on_zeros() block_ = (self.size_block_4_sub, 1, 1) start = cuda.Event() end = cuda.Event() n_blocks = int(self.n_sub_vals // self.size_block_4_sub + 1) size_grid = max(int(n_blocks), 1) grid_all = (size_grid, 1) self.gpu_sub_vect_likelihood_nz.fill(0.0) self.gpu_all_scores.fill(0.0) self.ctx.synchronize() start.record() self.kern_sub_likelihood( self.gpu_sub_sp_no_rep_data, self.gpu_info_blocks, self.gpu_sub_sp_block_indptr, self.gpu_sub_sp_no_rep_rows, self.gpu_sub_sp_no_rep_cols, self.gpu_param_simu, np.float32(self.mean_len_bp_frags / 1000.0), self.collect_gpu_vect_dist, self.collect_gpu_vect_id_c, self.collect_gpu_vect_s_tot, self.collect_gpu_vect_pos, self.collect_gpu_vect_len, self.gpu_list_uniq_mutations, self.gpu_n_uniq, self.gpu_sub_vect_likelihood_nz, np.int32(self.n_sub_vals), np.int32(self.init_n_sub_frags), block=block_, grid=grid_all, ) end.record() end.synchronize() # print "CUDA clock execution timing(sub likelihood computing): ", secs start.record() self.kern_eval_all_scores( self.gpu_list_uniq_mutations, self.gpu_n_uniq, self.gpu_vect_likelihood_z, self.gpu_sub_vect_likelihood_nz, self.gpu_curr_likelihood_nz_extract, self.gpu_curr_likelihood_nz, self.gpu_all_scores, block=(32, 1, 1), grid=(1, 1), ) end.record() end.synchronize() score = self.gpu_all_scores.get() return score
[docs] def extract_current_sub_likelihood(self): block_ = (self.size_block_4_sub, 1, 1) start = cuda.Event() end = cuda.Event() n_blocks = int(self.n_sub_vals // self.size_block_4_sub + 1) size_grid = max(int(n_blocks), 1) grid_all = (size_grid, 1) self.gpu_curr_likelihood_nz_extract.fill(0.0) self.ctx.synchronize() start.record() self.kern_extract_sub_likelihood( self.gpu_sub_sp_no_rep_data, self.gpu_info_blocks, self.gpu_sub_sp_block_indptr, self.gpu_sub_sp_no_rep_rows, self.gpu_sub_sp_no_rep_cols, self.gpu_param_simu, np.float32(self.mean_len_bp_frags / 1000.0), self.gpu_vect_dist, self.gpu_vect_id_c, self.gpu_vect_s_tot, self.gpu_vect_pos, self.gpu_vect_len, self.gpu_curr_likelihood_nz_extract, np.int32(self.n_sub_vals), np.int32(self.init_n_sub_frags), block=block_, grid=grid_all, ) end.record() end.synchronize() # print "CUDA clock execution timing(extract sub likelihood computing): # ", secs self.likelihood_extracted_nz = ( self.gpu_curr_likelihood_nz_extract.get() )
[docs] def eval_likelihood_init(self,): start = cuda.Event() end = cuda.Event() self.fill_dist_single() pct_size = 1 stride = 1 size_block = 1024 block_ = (size_block, 1, 1) # pct_size = 1 size_all_data = int(self.gpu_sp_no_rep_data.shape[0] * pct_size) # print "size all data = ", size_all_data n_block = size_all_data // (size_block) + 1 size_grid = max(int(n_block / stride), 1) grid_all = (size_grid, 1) # print "block = ", block_ # print "grid_all = ", grid_all self.approx_single_likelihood_on_zeros() self.gpu_curr_likelihood_nz.fill(0.0) self.ctx.synchronize() start.record() self.kern_evaluate_likelihood_single( self.gpu_sp_no_rep_data, self.gpu_sp_no_rep_rows, self.gpu_sp_no_rep_cols, self.gpu_id_single, self.gpu_param_simu, np.float32(self.mean_len_bp_frags / 1000.0), self.gpu_vect_dist, self.gpu_vect_id_c, self.gpu_vect_s_tot, self.gpu_vect_pos, self.gpu_vect_len, self.gpu_curr_likelihood_nz, np.int32(size_all_data), self.n_single_frags, block=block_, grid=grid_all, ) end.record() end.synchronize() likelihood_on_nz = self.gpu_curr_likelihood_nz.get() self.curr_likelihood_on_nz = likelihood_on_nz self.likelihood_t = likelihood_on_nz + self.curr_likelihood_on_z
[docs] def eval_likelihood(self,): start = cuda.Event() end = cuda.Event() self.fill_dist_single() pct_size = 1 stride = 1 size_block = 1024 block_ = (size_block, 1, 1) # pct_size = 1 size_all_data = int(self.gpu_sp_no_rep_data.shape[0] * pct_size) # print "size all data = ", size_all_data n_block = size_all_data // (size_block) + 1 size_grid = max(int(n_block / stride), 1) grid_all = (size_grid, 1) # print "block = ", block_ # print "grid_all = ", grid_all self.approx_single_likelihood_on_zeros() self.gpu_curr_likelihood_nz.fill(0.0) self.ctx.synchronize() start.record() self.kern_evaluate_likelihood_single( self.gpu_sp_no_rep_data, self.gpu_sp_no_rep_rows, self.gpu_sp_no_rep_cols, self.gpu_id_single, self.gpu_param_simu, np.float32(self.mean_len_bp_frags / 1000.0), self.gpu_vect_dist, self.gpu_vect_id_c, self.gpu_vect_s_tot, self.gpu_vect_pos, self.gpu_vect_len, self.gpu_curr_likelihood_nz, np.int32(size_all_data), self.n_single_frags, block=block_, grid=grid_all, ) end.record() end.synchronize()
# likelihood_on_nz = self.gpu_curr_likelihood_nz.get() # self.curr_likelihood_on_nz = likelihood_on_nz # self.curr_likelihood = likelihood_on_nz + self.curr_likelihood_on_z # print "GPU time likelihood ALL = ", time.time() - t1 # print "likelihood on nz= ", likelihood_on_nz # return self.curr_likelihood_on_nz, self.curr_likelihood_on_z
[docs] def eval_likelihood_4_nuisance(self,): start = cuda.Event() end = cuda.Event() pct_size = 1 stride = 1 size_block = 1024 block_ = (size_block, 1, 1) # pct_size = 1 size_all_data = int(self.gpu_sp_no_rep_data.shape[0] * pct_size) # print "size all data = ", size_all_data n_block = size_all_data // (size_block) + 1 size_grid = max(int(n_block / stride), 1) grid_all = (size_grid, 1) # print "block = ", block_ # print "grid_all = ", grid_all self.approx_single_likelihood_on_zeros_nuisance() self.gpu_curr_likelihood_nz_nuis.fill(0.0) start.record() self.kern_evaluate_likelihood_single( self.gpu_sp_no_rep_data, self.gpu_sp_no_rep_rows, self.gpu_sp_no_rep_cols, self.gpu_id_single, self.gpu_param_simu_test, np.float32(self.mean_len_bp_frags / 1000.0), self.gpu_vect_dist, self.gpu_vect_id_c, self.gpu_vect_s_tot, self.gpu_vect_pos, self.gpu_vect_len, self.gpu_curr_likelihood_nz_nuis, np.int32(size_all_data), self.n_single_frags, block=block_, grid=grid_all, ) end.record() end.synchronize() likelihood_on_nz_nuis = self.gpu_curr_likelihood_nz_nuis.get() # self.curr_likelihood_on_nz = likelihood_on_nz self.curr_likelihood_nuis = ( likelihood_on_nz_nuis + self.curr_likelihood_on_z_nuis ) # print "GPU time likelihood ALL = ", time.time() - t1 # print "likelihood on nz= ", likelihood_on_nz return self.curr_likelihood_nuis
[docs] def eval_likelihood_on_mut(self, id_mut): start = cuda.Event() end = cuda.Event() self.fill_dist_single_mut(id_mut) self.approx_single_likelihood_on_zeros_mut() pct_size = 1 stride = 1 size_block = 1024 block_ = (size_block, 1, 1) # pct_size = 1 size_all_data = int(self.gpu_sp_no_rep_data.shape[0] * pct_size) # print "size all data = ", size_all_data n_block = size_all_data // (size_block) + 1 size_grid = max(int(n_block / stride), 1) grid_all = (size_grid, 1) # print "block = ", block_ # print "grid_all = ", grid_all self.gpu_val_likelihood_4_mut.fill(0.0) self.ctx.synchronize() start.record() self.kern_evaluate_likelihood_single( self.gpu_sp_no_rep_data, self.gpu_sp_no_rep_rows, self.gpu_sp_no_rep_cols, self.gpu_id_single, self.gpu_param_simu, np.float32(self.mean_len_bp_frags / 1000.0), self.gpu_vect_dist_mut, self.gpu_vect_id_c_mut, self.gpu_vect_s_tot_mut, self.gpu_vect_pos_mut, self.gpu_vect_len_mut, self.gpu_val_likelihood_4_mut, np.int32(size_all_data), self.n_single_frags, block=block_, grid=grid_all, ) end.record() end.synchronize() # likelihood_on_nz = ga.sum(self.gpu_val_likelihood_4_mut, # dtype=np.float64).get() likelihood_on_nz = self.gpu_val_likelihood_4_mut.get() self.curr_likelihood_on_nz_mut = likelihood_on_nz # self.curr_likelihood_on_nz_mut = likelihood_on_nz # print "GPU time likelihood ALL = ", time.time() - t1 # print "likelihood on nz= ", likelihood_on_nz return self.curr_likelihood_on_nz_mut + self.curr_likelihood_on_z_mut
[docs] def step_sampler(self, id_frag, n_neighbours, dt): self.candidates = self.return_neighbours(id_frag, n_neighbours) self.candidates.sort() n = len(self.candidates) self.fill_dist_single() self.eval_likelihood() self.gpu_vect_frags.copy_from_gpu() id_c_prev_cand = -1 id_ctg_a = self.gpu_vect_frags.id_c[id_frag] # print "id_contig a = ", id_ctg_a self.all_scores = np.zeros((self.n_tmp_struct * n), dtype=np.float64) max_id = self.modify_gl_cuda_buffer(id_frag, dt) flip_eject = 1 for (id_cand, i) in zip(self.candidates, list(range(0, n))): self.gl_window.remote_update() self.extract_uniq_mutations(id_frag, id_cand, flip_eject) self.perform_mutations(id_frag, id_cand, max_id, 1 == 0) id_ctg_b = self.gpu_vect_frags.id_c[id_cand] if id_ctg_b != id_c_prev_cand: # print "id_contig b = ", id_ctg_b # print "slicing sparse matrix!" self.slice_sparse_mat(id_ctg_a, id_ctg_b, id_frag, id_cand) self.extract_current_sub_likelihood() else: self.slice_sparse_mat(id_ctg_a, id_ctg_b, id_frag, id_cand) self.extract_current_sub_likelihood() id_c_prev_cand = id_ctg_b self.all_scores[ i * self.n_tmp_struct : (i + 1) * self.n_tmp_struct ] = self.eval_all_sub_likelihood() flip_eject = 0 # print "done!" scores_ok = np.copy(self.all_scores) scores_ok[scores_ok == 0] = -np.inf max_score = scores_ok.max() thresh_overflow = 30 # filtered_score[filtered_score < max_score - thresh] = 0 filtered_score = scores_ok - (max_score - thresh_overflow) filtered_score[filtered_score < 0] = 0 global_id = np.argmax(filtered_score) # print "global id = ", global_id id_f_sampled = self.candidates[int(global_id / self.n_tmp_struct)] op_sampled = global_id % self.n_tmp_struct # print "id frag sampled = ", id_f_sampled # print "operation sampled = ", self.modification_str[op_sampled] # print 'id operation =', op_sampled self.test_copy_struct(id_frag, id_f_sampled, op_sampled, max_id) self.modify_gl_cuda_buffer(id_frag, self.gl_window.dt) o = self.all_scores[global_id] self.o = o dist = self.dist_inter_genome(self.gpu_vect_frags) self.likelihood_t = o return ( o, dist, op_sampled, id_f_sampled, self.mean_length_contigs, self.n_contigs, )
[docs] def step_sampler_debug(self, id_frag, n_neighbours): # n_neighbours = 5000 self.candidates = list(range(0, n_neighbours + 1)) self.candidates.pop(id_frag) n = len(self.candidates) self.fill_dist_single() # curr_likelihood_on_nz, curr_likelihood_on_z = self.eval_likelihood() self.eval_likelihood() self.gpu_vect_frags.copy_from_gpu() id_c_prev_cand = -1 id_ctg_a = self.gpu_vect_frags.id_c[id_frag] # print "id_contig a = ", id_ctg_a self.all_scores = np.zeros((self.n_tmp_struct * n), dtype=np.float64) max_id = self.modify_gl_cuda_buffer(id_frag, self.gl_window.dt) flip_eject = 1 for (id_cand, i) in zip(self.candidates, list(range(0, n))): self.gl_window.remote_update() self.extract_uniq_mutations(id_frag, id_cand, flip_eject) self.perform_mutations(id_frag, id_cand, max_id, 1 == 0) id_ctg_b = self.gpu_vect_frags.id_c[id_cand] if id_ctg_b != id_c_prev_cand: # print "id_contig b = ", id_ctg_b # print "slicing sparse matrix!" self.slice_sparse_mat(id_ctg_a, id_ctg_b, id_frag, id_cand) self.extract_current_sub_likelihood() id_c_prev_cand = id_ctg_b self.all_scores[ i * self.n_tmp_struct : (i + 1) * self.n_tmp_struct ] = self.eval_all_sub_likelihood() flip_eject = 0
[docs] def extract_uniq_mutations(self, id_fi, id_fj, flip_eject): start = cuda.Event() end = cuda.Event() start.record() self.gpu_list_uniq_mutations.fill(0) self.ctx.synchronize() self.kern_uniq_mutations( self.gpu_vect_frags.get_ptr(), np.int32(id_fi), np.int32(id_fj), self.gpu_list_uniq_mutations, self.gpu_list_valid_insert, self.gpu_n_uniq, np.int32(flip_eject), block=(self.n_threads_mutations, 1, 1), grid=(1, 1), ) end.record() end.synchronize()
# print "CUDA clock execution timing(define uniq mutations): ", secs
[docs] def loadProgram(self, filename): # read in the Cuda source file as a string f = open(filename, "r") raw_fstr = "".join(f.readlines()) f.close() if self.active_insert_blocks: "size array in shared memory = {}".format( str(self.n_tmp_struct * self.size_block_4_sub) ) ) fstr = ( raw_fstr.replace( "N_STRUCT_BY_BLOCK_SIZE", str(self.n_tmp_struct * self.size_block_4_sub), ) .replace("SIZE_BLOCK_4_SUB_3", str(self.size_block_4_sub * 3)) .replace("N_TMP_STRUCT", str(self.n_tmp_struct)) .replace("SIZE_BLOCK_4_SUB", str(self.size_block_4_sub)) .replace("N_TO_CUT", str(self.n_insert_blocks)) ) else: fstr = raw_fstr # create the program self.module = pycuda.compiler.SourceModule( fstr, no_extern_c=True, options=[ # options=["--cubin", "-dc=true", "-lcudadevrt", "-m64", # "--keep", # options=["--cubin","-lcudadevrt", "-m64", ], # options=["-lcudadevrt", "-m64"], ) # self.sub_evaluate_likelihood_sparse = # self.module.get_function('sub_evaluate_likelihood_sparse') self.kern_fill_vect_dist_all = self.module.get_function( "fill_vect_dist" ) self.kern_fill_vect_dist_single = self.module.get_function( "uni_fill_vect_dist" ) self.init_rng = self.module.get_function("init_rng") self.kern_evaluate_likelihood_single = self.module.get_function( "evaluate_likelihood_sparse" ) self.kern_sub_likelihood = self.module.get_function( "eval_sub_likelihood" ) # self.kern_select_them = self.module.get_function('select_them') self.kern_slice_sp_mat = self.module.get_function("slice_sp_mat") self.kern_prepare_sparse_call = self.module.get_function( "prepare_sparse_call" ) self.kern_eval_likelihood_zeros = self.module.get_function( "eval_likelihood_on_zero" ) self.kern_eval_all_likelihood_zeros_1st = self.module.get_function( "eval_all_likelihood_on_zero_1st" ) self.kern_eval_all_likelihood_zeros_2nd = self.module.get_function( "eval_all_likelihood_on_zero_2nd" ) self.kern_extract_sub_likelihood = self.module.get_function( "extract_sub_likelihood" ) self.kern_uniq_mutations = self.module.get_function( "extract_uniq_mutations" ) self.kern_eval_all_scores = self.module.get_function("eval_all_scores") self.kern_select_uniq_id_c = self.module.get_function( "select_uniq_id_c" ) self.kern_make_old_2_new_id_c = self.module.get_function( "make_old_2_new_id_c" ) self.kern_count_vals = self.module.get_function("count_num") self.kern_update_gpu_vect = self.module.get_function( "update_gpu_vect_frags" ) self.kern_explode_genome = self.module.get_function("explode_genome") if self.active_insert_blocks: self.kern_get_bounds = self.module.get_function("get_bounds") self.kern_extract_block = self.module.get_function("extract_block") self.kern_insert_block = self.module.get_function("insert_block") self.kern_frags_2_gl_pxl = self.module.get_function("gpu_struct_2_pxl") self.kern_update_matrix = self.module.get_function("update_matrix") self.kern_update_gl_buffer = self.module.get_function( "update_gl_buffer" ) self.kern_prepare_sparse_call_4_gl = self.module.get_function( "prepare_sparse_call_4_gl" ) self.set_null = self.module.get_function("set_null") self.copy_gpu_array = self.module.get_function("copy_gpu_array") self.gl_update_pos = self.module.get_function("gl_update_pos") self.gpu_transloc = [] self.pop_out = self.module.get_function("pop_out_frag") self.flip_frag = self.module.get_function("flip_frag") self.pop_in_1 = self.module.get_function( "pop_in_frag_1" ) # split insert @ left self.pop_in_2 = self.module.get_function( "pop_in_frag_2" ) # split insert @ right self.pop_in_3 = self.module.get_function( "pop_in_frag_3" ) # insert @ left # self.pop_in_4 = self.module.get_function('pop_in_frag_4') # insert @ # right self.split = self.module.get_function("split_contig") self.paste = self.module.get_function("paste_contigs") self.simple_copy = self.module.get_function("simple_copy") self.copy_vect = self.module.get_function("copy_struct") self.swap_activity = self.module.get_function("swap_activity_frag") self.modification_str = [ "eject frag", "flip frag", "pop out split insert @ left or 1", "pop out split insert @ left or -1", "pop out split insert @ right or 1", "pop out split insert @ right or -1", "pop out insert @ right or 1", "pop out insert @ right or -1", # 'swap activity', # 'pop out insert @ left or 1', 'pop out insert @ left or -1', "transloc_1", "transloc_2", "transloc_3", "transloc_4", "local_scramble d1", "local_scramble d2", "local_scramble d3", "local_scramble d4", ]
[docs] def update_neighbourhood(self,): tmp_sorted = self.hic_matrix_sub_sampled.argsort(axis=1) sorted_neighbours = [] for i in self.list_frag_to_sample: all_idx = tmp_sorted[i, :] pos = np.nonzero(all_idx == i)[0][0] line = list(all_idx) line.pop(pos)"filtering neighbourhood of : {}".format(i)) for j in self.list_to_pop_out: line = np.array(line) pos = np.nonzero(line == j)[0][0] line = list(line) line.pop(pos) sorted_neighbours.append(line) self.sorted_neighbours = np.array(sorted_neighbours)
[docs] def pop_out_pop_in(self, id_f_pop, id_f_ins, mode, max_id): size_block = 1024 block_ = (size_block, 1, 1) grid_ = (int(self.n_new_frags // size_block + 1), 1) # max_id = np.int32(ga.max(self.gpu_id_contigs).get()) # print 'max_id contig before pop out= ', max_id start = cuda.Event() end = cuda.Event() start.record() self.pop_out( self.pop_gpu_vect_frags.get_ptr(), self.gpu_vect_frags.get_ptr(), self.pop_gpu_id_contigs, np.int32(id_f_pop), np.int32(max_id), self.n_new_frags, block=block_, grid=grid_, ) end.record() end.synchronize() max_id2 = np.int32(ga.max(self.pop_gpu_id_contigs).get()) # print 'max_id contig after pop out= ', max_id2 start.record() # modif_vector = self.collector_gpu_vect_frags[mode] or_watson = np.int32(1) or_crick = np.int32(-1) # print "max_id from pop = ", max_id if mode == 0: self.simple_copy( self.collector_gpu_vect_frags[mode].get_ptr(), self.pop_gpu_vect_frags.get_ptr(), self.n_new_frags, block=block_, grid=grid_, ) elif mode == 1: self.flip_frag( self.collector_gpu_vect_frags[mode].get_ptr(), self.gpu_vect_frags.get_ptr(), np.int32(id_f_pop), self.n_new_frags, block=block_, grid=grid_, ) elif mode == 2: self.pop_in_1( self.collector_gpu_vect_frags[mode].get_ptr(), self.pop_gpu_vect_frags.get_ptr(), np.int32(id_f_pop), np.int32(id_f_ins), max_id2, or_watson, self.n_new_frags, block=block_, grid=grid_, ) elif mode == 3: self.pop_in_1( self.collector_gpu_vect_frags[mode].get_ptr(), self.pop_gpu_vect_frags.get_ptr(), np.int32(id_f_pop), np.int32(id_f_ins), max_id2, or_crick, self.n_new_frags, block=block_, grid=grid_, ) elif mode == 4: self.pop_in_2( self.collector_gpu_vect_frags[mode].get_ptr(), self.pop_gpu_vect_frags.get_ptr(), np.int32(id_f_pop), np.int32(id_f_ins), max_id2, or_watson, self.n_new_frags, block=block_, grid=grid_, ) elif mode == 5: self.pop_in_2( self.collector_gpu_vect_frags[mode].get_ptr(), self.pop_gpu_vect_frags.get_ptr(), np.int32(id_f_pop), np.int32(id_f_ins), max_id2, or_crick, self.n_new_frags, block=block_, grid=grid_, ) elif mode == 6: self.pop_in_3( self.collector_gpu_vect_frags[mode].get_ptr(), self.pop_gpu_vect_frags.get_ptr(), np.int32(id_f_pop), np.int32(id_f_ins), max_id2, or_watson, self.n_new_frags, block=block_, grid=grid_, ) elif mode == 7: self.pop_in_3( self.collector_gpu_vect_frags[mode].get_ptr(), self.pop_gpu_vect_frags.get_ptr(), np.int32(id_f_pop), np.int32(id_f_ins), max_id2, or_crick, self.n_new_frags, block=block_, grid=grid_, ) # elif mode == 8: # self.pop_in_4(self.collector_gpu_vect_frags[mode].get_ptr(), # self.pop_gpu_vect_frags.get_ptr(), np.int32(id_f_pop), # np.int32(id_f_ins), max_id2, or_watson, self.n_frags, block=block_, # grid=grid_) elif mode == 9: # self.pop_in_4(self.collector_gpu_vect_frags[mode].get_ptr(), # self.pop_gpu_vect_frags.get_ptr(), np.int32(id_f_pop), # np.int32(id_f_ins), max_id2, or_crick, self.n_frags, block=block_, # grid=grid_) # elif mode == 8: # self.swap_activity(self.collector_gpu_vect_frags[mode].get_ptr(), # self.pop_gpu_vect_frags.get_ptr(), np.int32(id_f_pop), max_id2, # self.n_new_frags, block=block_, grid=grid_) end.record() end.synchronize()
# print "CUDA clock execution timing( generate mutations): ", secs
[docs] def transloc(self, id_fA, id_fB, max_id): size_block = 128 block_ = (size_block, 1, 1) grid_ = (int(self.n_new_frags // size_block + 1), 1) # max_id = np.int32(ga.max(self.gpu_id_contigs).get()) start = cuda.Event() end = cuda.Event() mode = 0 # id_start_transloc = 8 id_start_transloc = 8 for upstreamfA in range(0, 2): start.record() self.split( self.trans1_gpu_vect_frags.get_ptr(), self.gpu_vect_frags.get_ptr(), self.trans1_gpu_id_contigs, np.int32(id_fA), np.int32(upstreamfA), np.int32(max_id), self.n_new_frags, block=block_, grid=grid_, ) end.record() end.synchronize() for upstreamfB in range(0, 2): max_id1 = np.int32(ga.max(self.trans1_gpu_id_contigs).get()) # print 'max_id1 = ', max_id1 start.record() self.split( self.trans2_gpu_vect_frags.get_ptr(), self.trans1_gpu_vect_frags.get_ptr(), self.trans2_gpu_id_contigs, np.int32(id_fB), np.int32(upstreamfB), max_id1, self.n_new_frags, block=block_, grid=grid_, ) end.record() end.synchronize() max_id2 = np.int32(ga.max(self.trans2_gpu_id_contigs).get()) # print 'max_id2 = ', max_id2 curr_vect_trans = self.collector_gpu_vect_frags[ id_start_transloc + mode ] start.record() # self.simple_copy(curr_vect_trans.get_ptr(), # self.trans2_gpu_vect_frags.get_ptr(), self.n_frags, # block=block_, grid=grid_) self.paste( curr_vect_trans.get_ptr(), self.trans2_gpu_vect_frags.get_ptr(), np.int32(id_fA), np.int32(id_fB), max_id2, self.n_new_frags, block=block_, grid=grid_, ) end.record() end.synchronize() mode += 1
[docs] def insert_blocks(self, id_fA, id_fB, max_id): size_block = self.size_block_4_sub block_ = (size_block, 1, 1) grid_ = (int(self.n_new_frags // size_block + 1), 1) # max_id = np.int32(ga.max(self.gpu_id_contigs).get()) start = cuda.Event() end = cuda.Event() id_start_insert = 12 start.record() self.gpu_list_valid_insert.fill(-1) self.gpu_list_f_upstream.fill(-1) self.gpu_list_f_downstream.fill(-1) self.ctx.synchronize() self.kern_get_bounds( self.gpu_vect_frags.get_ptr(), np.int32(id_fA), np.int32(id_fB), self.gpu_list_valid_insert, self.gpu_list_bounds, self.gpu_list_f_upstream, self.gpu_list_f_downstream, np.int32(self.n_insert_blocks), self.n_new_frags, block=block_, grid=grid_, ) end.record() end.synchronize() id = 0 for i in range(0, self.n_insert_blocks): for j in [1, 0]: if j == 1: list_bounds = self.gpu_list_f_upstream else: list_bounds = self.gpu_list_f_downstream start.record() self.kern_extract_block( self.trans1_gpu_vect_frags.get_ptr(), self.gpu_vect_frags.get_ptr(), self.trans1_gpu_id_contigs, np.int32(id_fA), list_bounds, np.int32(i), # id f in list_frag upstream np.int32(j), # upstream np.int32(max_id), self.n_new_frags, block=block_, grid=grid_, ) end.record() end.synchronize() start.record() self.kern_insert_block( self.collector_gpu_vect_frags[ id_start_insert + id ].get_ptr(), self.trans1_gpu_vect_frags.get_ptr(), self.gpu_vect_frags.get_ptr(), np.int32(id_fA), np.int32(id_fB), list_bounds, self.gpu_list_valid_insert, np.int32(id), np.int32(i), np.int32(j), self.n_new_frags, block=block_, grid=grid_, ) end.record() end.synchronize() id += 1
[docs] def perform_mutations(self, id_fA, id_fB, max_id, is_first): for mode in range(0, 8): self.pop_out_pop_in(id_fA, id_fB, mode, max_id) self.transloc(id_fA, id_fB, max_id) if self.active_insert_blocks: self.insert_blocks(id_fA, id_fB, max_id)
# for mode in xrange(14, self.n_tmp_struct): # self.local_flip(id_fA, mode, max_id) # self.all_pop_out_pop_in(id_fA, id_fB, max_id, is_first) # tic_fillB = time.time() # self.all_transloc(id_fA, id_fB, max_id, is_first) # print "all_pop out time execution = ", time.time() - tic_fillB
[docs] def bomb_the_genome(self,): size_block = 256 block_ = (size_block, 1, 1) grid_ = (int(self.n_new_frags // size_block + 1), 1) a = np.arange(0, self.n_new_frags, dtype=np.int32) np.random.shuffle(a) gpu_shuffle_order = ga.to_gpu(ary=a) self.ctx.synchronize() start = cuda.Event() end = cuda.Event() start.record() self.kern_explode_genome( self.gpu_vect_frags.get_ptr(), gpu_shuffle_order, self.n_new_frags, block=block_, grid=grid_, ) end.record() end.synchronize() self.modify_gl_cuda_buffer(0, self.gl_window.dt)
[docs] def local_flip(self, id_fA, mode, max_id): # mode = 12 size_block = 256 block_ = (size_block, 1, 1) grid_ = (int(self.n_new_frags // size_block + 1), 1) start = cuda.Event() end = cuda.Event() local_delta = mode - 11 vect_frags = self.gpu_vect_frags vect_frags.copy_from_gpu() pos_fA = vect_frags.pos[id_fA] id_contig_A = vect_frags.id_c[id_fA] len_contig_A = vect_frags.l_cont[id_fA] id_f_in_contig_A = np.nonzero(vect_frags.id_c == id_contig_A)[0] neighbours = id_f_in_contig_A pos_neighbours = vect_frags.pos[neighbours] arg_sort_id = np.argsort(pos_neighbours) ordered_neighbours = neighbours[arg_sort_id] orientations_neighbours = vect_frags.ori[ordered_neighbours] id_up = max(pos_fA - local_delta, 0) id_down = min(pos_fA + local_delta, len_contig_A - 1) # print "id_fA = ", id_fA # print "pos_fA = ", pos_fA # print "pos up = ", id_up # print "pos down = ", id_down start.record() self.simple_copy( self.scrambled_gpu_vect_frags.get_ptr(), self.gpu_vect_frags.get_ptr(), self.n_new_frags, block=block_, grid=grid_, ) end.record() end.synchronize() # print "ordered neighbours = ", ordered_neighbours for i in range(id_up, id_down + 1): id_fB = ordered_neighbours[i] if id_fB != id_fA: start.record() self.pop_out( self.pop_gpu_vect_frags.get_ptr(), self.scrambled_gpu_vect_frags.get_ptr(), self.pop_gpu_id_contigs, np.int32(id_fB), max_id, self.n_new_frags, block=block_, grid=grid_, ) end.record() end.synchronize() start.record() self.simple_copy( self.scrambled_gpu_vect_frags.get_ptr(), self.pop_gpu_vect_frags.get_ptr(), self.n_new_frags, block=block_, grid=grid_, ) end.record() end.synchronize() self.scrambled_gpu_vect_frags.copy_from_gpu() max_id = self.scrambled_gpu_vect_frags.id_c.max() for j in range(id_down, pos_fA, -1): id_fB = ordered_neighbours[j] ori_fB = orientations_neighbours[j] * -1 # print "id_fB = ", id_fB start.record() self.pop_in_4( self.collector_gpu_vect_frags[mode].get_ptr(), self.scrambled_gpu_vect_frags.get_ptr(), np.int32(id_fB), np.int32(id_fA), max_id, np.int32(ori_fB), self.n_new_frags, block=block_, grid=grid_, ) end.record() end.synchronize() start.record() self.simple_copy( self.scrambled_gpu_vect_frags.get_ptr(), self.collector_gpu_vect_frags[mode].get_ptr(), self.n_new_frags, block=block_, grid=grid_, ) end.record() end.synchronize() self.scrambled_gpu_vect_frags.copy_from_gpu() max_id = self.scrambled_gpu_vect_frags.id_c.max() # print "insert left ok" for j in range(id_up, pos_fA): id_fB = ordered_neighbours[j] ori_fB = orientations_neighbours[j] * -1 # print "id_fB = ", id_fB start.record() self.pop_in_3( self.collector_gpu_vect_frags[mode].get_ptr(), self.scrambled_gpu_vect_frags.get_ptr(), np.int32(id_fB), np.int32(id_fA), max_id, np.int32(ori_fB), self.n_new_frags, block=block_, grid=grid_, ) end.record() end.synchronize() start.record() self.simple_copy( self.scrambled_gpu_vect_frags.get_ptr(), self.collector_gpu_vect_frags[mode].get_ptr(), self.n_new_frags, block=block_, grid=grid_, ) end.record() end.synchronize() self.scrambled_gpu_vect_frags.copy_from_gpu() max_id = self.scrambled_gpu_vect_frags.id_c.max() start.record() self.flip_frag( self.collector_gpu_vect_frags[mode].get_ptr(), self.scrambled_gpu_vect_frags.get_ptr(), np.int32(id_fA), self.n_new_frags, block=block_, grid=grid_, ) end.record() end.synchronize()
[docs] def test_copy_struct(self, id_fA, id_f_sampled, mode, max_id): self.gpu_vect_frags.copy_from_gpu() # c = self.gpu_vect_frags # print 'id fA = ', id_fA # print 'id fB = ', id_f_sampled # print '@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@' # print 'id_cont id_fA = ', c.id_c[id_fA] # print 'id_cont id_fB = ', c.id_c[id_f_sampled] # print 'id_d id_fA = ', c.id_d[id_fA] # print 'id_d id_fB = ', c.id_d[id_f_sampled] # print 'rep id_fA = ', c.rep[id_fA] # print 'rep id_fB = ', c.rep[id_f_sampled] # print 'pos id_fA = ', c.pos[id_fA] # print 'pos id_fB = ', c.pos[id_f_sampled] # print 'l_cont id_fA = ', c.l_cont[id_fA] # print 'l_cont id_fB = ', c.l_cont[id_f_sampled] # print 'start_bp id_fA = ', c.start_bp[id_fA] # print 'start_bp id_fB = ', c.start_bp[id_f_sampled] # print 'l_cont_bp id_fA = ', c.l_cont_bp[id_fA] # print 'l_cont_bp id_fB = ', c.l_cont_bp[id_f_sampled] # print 'is circle cont id_fA =', c.circ[id_fA] # print 'is circle cont id_fB =', c.circ[id_f_sampled] # print 'prev id_fA = ', c.prev[id_fA] # print 'next id_fA = ',[id_fA] # print 'prev id_fB = ', c.prev[id_f_sampled] # print 'next id_fB = ',[id_f_sampled] # print '########################' if mode < 8: self.pop_out_pop_in(id_fA, id_f_sampled, mode, max_id) elif mode < 12: self.transloc(id_fA, id_f_sampled, max_id) elif mode >= 12 and self.active_insert_blocks: self.insert_blocks(id_fA, id_f_sampled, max_id) # else: # self.local_scramble(id_fA, max_id) size_block = 1024 block_ = (size_block, 1, 1) grid_ = (int(self.n_new_frags // size_block + 1), 1) start = cuda.Event() end = cuda.Event() start.record() # print 'mode = ', mode sampled_vect_frags = self.collector_gpu_vect_frags[mode] # sampled_vect_frags.copy_from_gpu() # plt.plot(sampled_vect_frags.id_c) # self.copy_vect( self.gpu_vect_frags.get_ptr(), sampled_vect_frags.get_ptr(), self.gpu_id_contigs, self.n_new_frags, block=block_, grid=grid_, shared=0, ) end.record() end.synchronize()
# secs = start.time_till(end) * 1e-3 # self.gpu_vect_frags.copy_from_gpu() # c = self.gpu_vect_frags # print '########################' # print 'id_cont id_fA = ', c.id_c[id_fA] # print 'id_cont id_fB = ', c.id_c[id_f_sampled] # print 'id_d id_fA = ', c.id_d[id_fA] # print 'id_d id_fB = ', c.id_d[id_f_sampled] # print 'rep id_fA = ', c.rep[id_fA] # print 'rep id_fB = ', c.rep[id_f_sampled] # print 'pos id_fA = ', c.pos[id_fA] # print 'pos id_fB = ', c.pos[id_f_sampled] # print 'l_cont id_fA = ', c.l_cont[id_fA] # print 'l_cont id_fB = ', c.l_cont[id_f_sampled] # print 'start_bp id_fA = ', c.start_bp[id_fA] # print 'start_bp id_fB = ', c.start_bp[id_f_sampled] # print 'l_cont_bp id_fA = ', c.l_cont_bp[id_fA] # print 'l_cont_bp id_fB = ', c.l_cont_bp[id_f_sampled] # print 'is circle cont id_fA =', c.circ[id_fA] # print 'is circle cont id_fB =', c.circ[id_f_sampled] # print 'prev id_fA = ', c.prev[id_fA] # print 'next id_fA = ',[id_fA] # print 'prev id_fB = ', c.prev[id_f_sampled] # print 'next id_fB = ',[id_f_sampled] # print '@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@'
[docs] def setup_rippe_parameters_4_simu( self, kuhn, lm, slope, d, val_inter, d_max ): kuhn = np.float32(kuhn) lm = np.float32(lm) c1 = np.float32( (0.53 * np.power(lm / kuhn, slope)) * np.power(kuhn, -3) ) slope = np.float32(slope) d = np.float32(d) d_max = np.float32(d_max) val_inter = np.float32(val_inter) parameters = [kuhn, lm, slope, d] def rippe(param, dist): return ( 0.53 * (param[0] ** -3.) * np.power((param[1] * dist / param[0]), (param[2])) * np.exp( (param[3] - 2) / ((np.power((param[1] * dist / param[0]), 2) + param[3])) ) ) rippe_inter = rippe(parameters, d_max) fact = val_inter / rippe_inter p = np.array( [(kuhn, lm, c1, slope, d, d_max, fact, val_inter)], dtype=self.param_simu_T, ) return p
[docs] def setup_rippe_parameters(self, param, d_max): kuhn, lm, slope, d, fact = param fact = np.float32(np.abs(fact)) kuhn = np.float32(np.abs(kuhn)) lm = np.float32(np.abs(lm)) c1 = np.float32( (0.53 * np.power(lm / kuhn, slope)) * np.power(kuhn, -3) ) slope = np.float32(slope) d = np.float32(d) fact = np.float32(fact) d_max = np.float32(d_max) p = np.array( [(kuhn, lm, c1, slope, d, d_max, fact, self.mean_value_trans)], dtype=self.param_simu_rippe, ) return p
[docs] def setup_model_parameters(self, param, d_max): d0, alpha_0, alpha_1, fact = param d0 = np.float32(d0) d_max = np.float32(d_max) alpha_0 = np.float32(alpha_0) alpha_1 = np.float32(alpha_1) fact = np.float32(fact) p = np.array( [(d0, d_max, alpha_0, alpha_1, fact, self.mean_value_trans)], dtype=self.param_simu_exp, ) return p
[docs] def estimate_parameters_rippe( self, max_dist_kb, size_bin_kb, display_graph ): """ estimation by least square optimization of Rippe parameters on the experimental data :param max_dist_kb: :param size_bin_kb: """"estimation of the parameters of the model") self.bins = np.arange( size_bin_kb, max_dist_kb + size_bin_kb, size_bin_kb ) self.mean_contacts = np.zeros_like(self.bins, dtype=np.float32) self.dict_collect = dict() self.gpu_vect_frags.copy_from_gpu() epsi = self.mean_value_trans for k in self.bins: self.dict_collect[k] = [] for i in range(0, self.n_frags // 10): # print "frag i = ", i start = self.sparse_matrix.indptr[i] end = self.sparse_matrix.indptr[i + 1] id_j = self.sparse_matrix.indices[start:end] data =[start:end] info_i = self.np_sub_frags_2_frags[i] init_id_fi = int(info_i[0]) # pos_i = self.S_o_A_frags["pos"][init_id_fi] id_c_i = self.S_o_A_frags["id_c"][init_id_fi] s_i = ( self.S_o_A_frags["start_bp"][init_id_fi] / 1000.0 + self.np_sub_frags_2_frags[i][1] ) len_kb_c_i = self.S_o_A_frags["l_cont_bp"][init_id_fi] / 1000 # local_bins = np.arange(size_bin_kb, min(len_kb_c_i, max_dist_kb) # + size_bin_kb, size_bin_kb) local_storage = # np.zeros_like(local_bins, dtype=np.int32) # # for fj, dj in zip(id_j, data): # info_j = self.np_sub_frags_2_frags[fj] # init_id_fj = info_j[0] # id_c_j = self.S_o_A_frags['id_c'][init_id_fj] # if id_c_i == id_c_j: # pos_j = self.S_o_A_frags['pos'][init_id_fj] # s_j = self.S_o_A_frags['start_bp'][init_id_fj]/1000.0 + # self.np_sub_frags_2_frags[fj][1] # d = np.abs(s_i - s_j) # if d < max_dist_kb: # id_bin = d / size_bin_kb # local_storage[id_bin] += dj # # self.dict_collect[self.bins[id_bin]].append(dj) # # we have to add also the zeros # for bin, val in zip(local_bins, local_storage): # # print "bin = ", bin # self.dict_collect[bin].append(val) if size_bin_kb < len_kb_c_i: # local_bins = np.arange(size_bin_kb, min(len_kb_c_i, # max_dist_kb) + size_bin_kb, size_bin_kb) local_bins = np.arange( size_bin_kb, max_dist_kb + size_bin_kb, size_bin_kb ) local_storage = np.zeros_like(local_bins, dtype=np.int32) for fj, dj in zip(id_j, data): info_j = self.np_sub_frags_2_frags[fj] init_id_fj = int(info_j[0]) id_c_j = self.S_o_A_frags["id_c"][init_id_fj] if id_c_i == id_c_j: # pos_j = self.S_o_A_frags["pos"][init_id_fj] s_j = ( self.S_o_A_frags["start_bp"][init_id_fj] / 1000.0 + self.np_sub_frags_2_frags[fj][1] ) d = np.abs(s_i - s_j) if d < max_dist_kb: id_bin = int(d / size_bin_kb) local_storage[id_bin] += dj # self.dict_collect[self.bins[id_bin]].append(dj) # we have to add also the zeros for bin, val in zip(local_bins, local_storage): # print "bin = ", bin self.dict_collect[bin].append(val) for id_bin in range(0, len(self.bins)): k = self.bins[id_bin] self.mean_contacts[id_bin] = np.mean(self.dict_collect[k]) for id_bin in range(0, len(self.bins)): k = self.bins[id_bin] tmp = np.mean(self.dict_collect[k]) if np.isnan(tmp) or tmp == 0: # if np.isnan(tmp): # if np.isnan(tmp): # print "removing nan" self.mean_contacts[id_bin] = np.nan else: self.mean_contacts[id_bin] = tmp + epsi self.mean_contacts_upd = [] self.bins_upd = [] for count, ele in zip(self.mean_contacts, self.bins): if not np.isnan(count): self.bins_upd.append(ele) self.mean_contacts_upd.append(count) self.bins_upd = np.array(self.bins_upd) # self.mean_contacts_upd.sort() # self.mean_contacts_upd.reverse() self.mean_contacts_upd = np.array(self.mean_contacts_upd) # self.mean_contacts_upd = # ndi.filters.gaussian_filter1d(self.mean_contacts_upd, # sigma=len(self.bins_upd) / 5.) # print "size mean contacts vector = ", self.mean_contacts_upd.shape # print "mean contacts vector = ", self.mean_contacts_upd p, self.y_estim = opti.estimate_param_rippe( self.mean_contacts_upd, self.bins_upd ) ##########################################"p from estimate parameters = {}".format(p)) # p = list(p[0]) # p[3] = 2 # p = tuple(p) ########################################## fit_param = p"mean value trans = {}".format(self.mean_value_trans)) ##########################################"BEWARE!!! : I will lower mean value trans !!!") self.mean_value_trans = self.mean_value_trans / 10.0 ########################################## estim_max_dist = opti.estimate_max_dist_intra( fit_param, self.mean_value_trans )"estimate max dist cis trans = {}".format(estim_max_dist)) self.param_simu = self.setup_rippe_parameters( fit_param, estim_max_dist ) self.param_simu_test = self.param_simu self.gpu_param_simu = cuda.mem_alloc(self.param_simu.nbytes) self.gpu_param_simu_test = cuda.mem_alloc(self.param_simu.nbytes) cuda.memcpy_htod(self.gpu_param_simu, self.param_simu) cuda.memcpy_htod(self.gpu_param_simu_test, self.param_simu_test) display_graph = False if display_graph: plt.figure() plt.loglog(self.bins_upd, self.mean_contacts_upd, "-*b") plt.loglog(self.bins_upd, self.y_estim, "-*r") plt.xlabel("genomic distance (kb)") plt.ylabel("frequency of contact") plt.title( r"$\mathrm{Frequency\ of\ contact\ versus\ genomic\ distance" " \(data\ tricho test):}\ slope=%.3f,\ max\ cis\ distance(kb)" "=%.3f\ d=%.3f\ scale\ factor=%.3f\ $" % ( self.param_simu["slope"], estim_max_dist, self.param_simu["d"], self.param_simu["fact"], ) ) plt.legend(["obs", "fit"]) plt.savefig() plt.close() self.eval_likelihood_init()
[docs] def estimate_parameters(self, max_dist_kb, size_bin_kb, display_graph): """ estimation by least square optimization of Rippe parameters on the experimental data :param max_dist_kb: :param size_bin_kb: """"estimation of the parameters of the model") self.bins = np.arange( size_bin_kb, max_dist_kb + size_bin_kb, size_bin_kb ) self.mean_contacts = np.zeros_like(self.bins, dtype=np.float32) self.dict_collect = dict() self.gpu_vect_frags.copy_from_gpu() epsi = self.mean_value_trans for k in self.bins: self.dict_collect[k] = [] for i in range(0, 2000): # print "frag i = ", i start = self.sparse_matrix.indptr[i] end = self.sparse_matrix.indptr[i + 1] id_j = self.sparse_matrix.indices[start:end] data =[start:end] info_i = self.np_sub_frags_2_frags[i] init_id_fi = info_i[0] # pos_i = self.S_o_A_frags["pos"][init_id_fi] id_c_i = self.S_o_A_frags["id_c"][init_id_fi] s_i = ( self.S_o_A_frags["start_bp"][init_id_fi] / 1000.0 + self.np_sub_frags_2_frags[i][1] ) len_kb_c_i = self.S_o_A_frags["l_cont_bp"][init_id_fi] / 1000 local_bins = np.arange( size_bin_kb, min(len_kb_c_i, max_dist_kb) + size_bin_kb, size_bin_kb, ) local_storage = np.zeros_like(local_bins, dtype=np.int32) for fj, dj in zip(id_j, data): info_j = self.np_sub_frags_2_frags[fj] init_id_fj = info_j[0] id_c_j = self.S_o_A_frags["id_c"][init_id_fj] if id_c_i == id_c_j: # pos_j = self.S_o_A_frags["pos"][init_id_fj] s_j = ( self.S_o_A_frags["start_bp"][init_id_fj] / 1000.0 + self.np_sub_frags_2_frags[fj][1] ) d = np.abs(s_i - s_j) if d < max_dist_kb: id_bin = d / size_bin_kb local_storage[id_bin] += dj # self.dict_collect[self.bins[id_bin]].append(dj) # we have to add also the zeros for my_bin, val in zip(local_bins, local_storage): # print "bin = ", bin self.dict_collect[my_bin].append(val) for id_bin in range(0, len(self.bins)): k = self.bins[id_bin] self.mean_contacts[id_bin] = np.mean(self.dict_collect[k]) for id_bin in range(0, len(self.bins)): k = self.bins[id_bin] tmp = np.mean(self.dict_collect[k]) if np.isnan(tmp) or tmp == 0: # if np.isnan(tmp): # if np.isnan(tmp): # print "removing nan" self.mean_contacts[id_bin] = np.nan else: self.mean_contacts[id_bin] = tmp + epsi self.mean_contacts_upd = [] self.bins_upd = [] for count, ele in zip(self.mean_contacts, self.bins): if not np.isnan(count): self.bins_upd.append(ele) self.mean_contacts_upd.append(count) self.bins_upd = np.array(self.bins_upd) self.mean_contacts_upd = np.array(self.mean_contacts_upd) # self.mean_contacts_upd = # ndi.filters.gaussian_filter1d(self.mean_contacts_upd, # sigma=len(self.bins_upd) / 5.) p, self.y_estim = nuis.estimate_param_hic( self.mean_contacts_upd, self.bins_upd ) ########################################## fit_param = p.x ##########################################"mean value trans = {}".format(self.mean_value_trans)) ########################################## estim_max_dist = nuis.estimate_max_dist_intra( fit_param, self.mean_value_trans )"max distance cis/trans = {}".format(estim_max_dist)) ########################################## self.param_simu = self.setup_model_parameters( fit_param, estim_max_dist ) self.gpu_param_simu = cuda.mem_alloc(self.param_simu.nbytes) self.gpu_param_simu_test = cuda.mem_alloc(self.param_simu.nbytes) cuda.memcpy_htod(self.gpu_param_simu, self.param_simu) if display_graph: plt.loglog(self.bins_upd, self.mean_contacts_upd, "-*b") plt.loglog(self.bins_upd, self.y_estim, "-*r") plt.xlabel("genomic distance (kb)") plt.ylabel("frequency of contact") plt.legend(["obs", "fit"])
[docs] def insert_repeats(self, id_f_ins): for id in range(0, self.n_new_frags): self.gpu_vect_frags.copy_from_gpu() max_id = self.gpu_vect_frags.id_c.max() if self.gpu_vect_frags.rep[id] == 1:"id repeats = {}".format(id)) mode = 7 self.test_copy_struct(id, id_f_ins, mode, max_id)
[docs] def modify_genome(self, n): list_breaks = np.random.choice(self.n_new_frags, n * 2, replace=False) list_modes = np.random.choice(self.n_tmp_struct, n, replace=True) for i in range(0, n): self.gpu_vect_frags.copy_from_gpu() max_id = self.gpu_vect_frags.id_c.max() self.test_copy_struct( list_breaks[2 * i], list_breaks[2 * i + 1], list_modes[i], max_id, ) self.gpu_vect_frags.copy_from_gpu() c = self.gpu_vect_frags if ( np.any(c.pos < 0) or np.any(c.l_cont < 0) or np.any(c.l_cont_bp < 0) or np.any(c.start_bp < 0) or np.any(c.l_cont_bp - c.start_bp <= 0) or np.any((c.start_bp != 0) * (c.pos == 0)) or np.any((c.start_bp == 0) * (c.pos != 0)) or np.any(c.__next__ == or np.any(c.prev == ):"problem!!!!") input("what shoud I do????") if np.any(c.l_cont == 0) or np.any(c.l_cont_bp == 0):"problem null contig !!!!") input("what shoud I do????")
[docs] def explode_genome(self, dt): for i in range(0, self.n_new_frags): # print "frag id = ", i self.modify_gl_cuda_buffer(i, dt) self.gpu_vect_frags.copy_from_gpu() max_id = self.gpu_vect_frags.id_c.max() self.test_copy_struct(i, 0, 0, max_id) self.gpu_vect_frags.copy_from_gpu() c = self.gpu_vect_frags self.gl_window.remote_update() if ( np.any(c.pos < 0) or np.any(c.l_cont < 0) or np.any(c.l_cont_bp < 0) or np.any(c.start_bp < 0) or np.any(c.l_cont_bp - c.start_bp <= 0) or np.any((c.start_bp != 0) * (c.pos == 0)) or np.any((c.start_bp == 0) * (c.pos != 0)) or np.any(c.__next__ == or np.any(c.prev == ):"problem!!!!") input("what shoud I do????") if np.any(c.l_cont == 0) or np.any(c.l_cont_bp == 0):"problem null contig !!!!") input("what shoud I do????")"genome exploded")"max id = {}".format(max_id))
[docs] def apply_replay_simu(self, id_fA, id_fB, op_sampled, dt): # n_modif = len(op_sampled) # for i in xrange(0, n_modif): # self.modify_gl_cuda_buffer(i, dt) # self.gpu_vect_frags.copy_from_gpu() # max_id = self.gpu_vect_frags.id_c.max() # self.test_copy_struct(id_fA[i], id_fB[i], op_sampled[i], max_id) # self.gpu_vect_frags.copy_from_gpu() # c = self.gpu_vect_frags # self.gl_window.remote_update() self.modify_gl_cuda_buffer(id_fA, dt) self.gpu_vect_frags.copy_from_gpu() max_id = self.gpu_vect_frags.id_c.max() self.test_copy_struct(id_fA, id_fB, op_sampled, max_id) self.gpu_vect_frags.copy_from_gpu() # c = self.gpu_vect_frags self.gl_window.remote_update()
[docs] def display_current_matrix(self, filename): self.gpu_vect_frags.copy_from_gpu() c = self.gpu_vect_frags self.gpu_id_contigs.get(ary=self.cpu_id_contigs) pos_frag = np.copy(self.gpu_vect_frags.pos) list_id_frags = np.copy(self.gpu_vect_frags.id_d) list_id = np.copy(self.cpu_id_contigs) list_activ = np.copy(self.gpu_vect_frags.activ) unique_contig_id = np.unique(list_id) dict_contig = dict() full_order = [] full_order_high = [] for k in unique_contig_id: dict_contig[k] = [] id_pos = np.ix_(list_id == k) is_activ = list_activ[id_pos] if np.all(is_activ == 1): tmp_ord = np.argsort(pos_frag[id_pos]) ordered_frag = list_id_frags[id_pos[0][tmp_ord]] dict_contig[k].extend(ordered_frag) full_order.extend(ordered_frag) for i in ordered_frag: ori = c.ori[i] v_high_id_all = list(self.np_sub_frags_id[i]) # print "v_high_id_all = ", v_high_id_all # print "sub id =", range(0,v_high_id_all[3]) v_high_id = v_high_id_all[: v_high_id_all[3]] id_2_push = list(v_high_id) if ori == -1: id_2_push.reverse() full_order_high.extend(id_2_push) # fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) # val_max = self.hic_matrix_sub_sampled.max() * 0.01 # plt.imshow(self.hic_matrix_sub_sampled[np.ix_(full_order,full_order)], # vmin=0, vmax=50, interpolation='nearest') # fig.savefig(file) # # plt.close() # plt.figure() # plt.imshow(self.hic_matrix[np.ix_(full_order_high, full_order_high)], # vmin=0, vmax=20, # interpolation='nearest') # matrix = self.hic_matrix[np.ix_(full_order_high, full_order_high)] plt.imshow(matrix, vmax=np.percentile(matrix, 99)) plt.savefig(filename) return full_order, dict_contig, full_order_high
[docs] def genome_content(self): self.gpu_vect_frags.copy_from_gpu() self.gpu_id_contigs.get(ary=self.cpu_id_contigs) pos_frag = np.copy(self.gpu_vect_frags.pos) next_frag = np.copy(self.gpu_vect_frags.__next__) prev_frag = np.copy(self.gpu_vect_frags.prev) start_bp = np.copy(self.gpu_vect_frags.start_bp) list_id_frags = np.copy(self.gpu_vect_frags.id_d) list_activ = np.copy(self.gpu_vect_frags.activ) list_id = np.copy(self.gpu_vect_frags.id_c) unique_contig_id = np.unique(list_id) dict_contig = dict() full_order = [] for k in unique_contig_id: dict_contig[k] = dict() dict_contig[k]["id"] = [] dict_contig[k]["pos"] = [] dict_contig[k]["next"] = [] dict_contig[k]["prev"] = [] dict_contig[k]["start_bp"] = [] dict_contig[k]["id_c"] = [] id_pos = np.ix_(list_id == k)[0] if np.all(list_activ[id_pos] == 1): # print "len id_pos = ", id_pos[0] tmp_ord = np.argsort(pos_frag[id_pos]) # print "tmp_ord = ", tmp_ord l_start = start_bp[id_pos[tmp_ord]] l_pos = pos_frag[id_pos[tmp_ord]] l_id_c = list_id[id_pos[tmp_ord]] l_next = next_frag[id_pos[tmp_ord]] l_prev = prev_frag[id_pos[tmp_ord]] ordered_frag = list_id_frags[id_pos[tmp_ord]] dict_contig[k]["id"].extend(ordered_frag) dict_contig[k]["pos"].extend(l_pos) dict_contig[k]["start_bp"].extend(l_start) dict_contig[k]["id_c"].extend(l_id_c) dict_contig[k]["prev"].extend(l_prev) dict_contig[k]["next"].extend(l_next) full_order.extend(ordered_frag) return full_order, dict_contig
[docs] def load_gl_cuda_vbo(self,): # CUDA Ressorces self.pos_vbo.bind() # Depends on whether pyopengl_accelerate is disabled try: self.gpu_pos = cudagl.RegisteredBuffer( int(self.pos_vbo.buffers[0]), cudagl.graphics_map_flags.NONE ) self.gpu_col = cudagl.RegisteredBuffer( int(self.col_vbo.buffers[0]), cudagl.graphics_map_flags.NONE ) except AttributeError: self.gpu_pos = cudagl.RegisteredBuffer( int(self.pos_vbo.buffer), cudagl.graphics_map_flags.NONE ) self.gpu_col = cudagl.RegisteredBuffer( int(self.col_vbo.buffer), cudagl.graphics_map_flags.NONE ) self.col_vbo.bind() self.gpu_vel = ga.to_gpu(ary=self.vel) self.pos_gen_cuda = cuda.mem_alloc(self.pos.nbytes) cuda.memcpy_htod(self.pos_gen_cuda, self.pos) self.vel_gen_cuda = cuda.mem_alloc(self.vel.nbytes) cuda.memcpy_htod(self.vel_gen_cuda, self.vel) self.ctx.synchronize()
[docs] def load_gl_cuda_tex_buffer(self, im_init): self.cuda_pbo_resource = cudagl.BufferObject( int(self.pbo_im_buffer) ) # Mapping GLBuffer to cuda_resource self.gpu_im_gl = ga.zeros( (self.gl_size_im, self.gl_size_im), dtype=np.int32 )
# self.array = cuda.matrix_to_array(im_init, "C") # C-style instead of # Fortran-style: row-major self.array = ga.to_gpu(ary=im_init) # # C-style instead of Fortran-style: row-major # self.texref.set_array(self.array) # self.texref.set_flags(cuda.TRSA_OVERRIDE_FORMAT)
[docs] def modify_image_thresh(self, val): self.im_thresh += val self.im_thresh = min(self.im_thresh, 255) self.im_thresh = max(self.im_thresh, 1) self.im_thresh = np.uint8(self.im_thresh)
# print "threshold image = ", self.im_thresh # size_block = (16, 16, 1) # size_grid = (int(self.n_frags / 16) + 1, int(self.n_frags / 16) + 1) # mapping_obj = # im_2_update = mapping_obj.device_ptr() # self.gl_update_im_thresh(np.intp(im_2_update), self.im_thresh, # block=size_block, grid=size_grid, texrefs=[self.texref]) # self.ctx.synchronize() # mapping_obj.unmap() # Unmap the GlBuffer
[docs] def modify_gl_cuda_buffer(self, id_fi, dt): start = cuda.Event() end = cuda.Event() size_block = 512 block_ = (size_block, 1, 1) grid_ = (int(self.n_new_frags / size_block + 1), 1) self.gpu_counter_select_gl.fill(0) self.ctx.synchronize() self.kern_select_uniq_id_c( self.gpu_vect_frags.get_ptr(), self.gpu_uniq_id_c, self.gpu_uniq_len, self.gpu_counter_select_gl, # retrieve genome contig count& np.int32(self.n_new_frags), block=block_, grid=grid_, ) end.record() end.synchronize() self.n_contigs = self.gpu_counter_select_gl.get()[0] self.thrust_module.sort_by_keys_simple( self.gpu_uniq_len, int(self.n_contigs), self.gpu_uniq_id_c ) # sort the contigs by length self.cpu_length_contigs = np.float32(self.gpu_uniq_len.get()) self.mean_length_contigs = self.cpu_length_contigs[ : self.n_contigs ].mean() block_ = (size_block, 1, 1) grid_ = (int(self.n_contigs / size_block + 1), 1) start.record() self.kern_make_old_2_new_id_c( self.gpu_uniq_id_c, self.gpu_old_2_new_id_c, # structure to update contig ids np.int32(self.n_contigs), block=block_, grid=grid_, ) end.record() end.synchronize() self.gpu_counter_select_gl.fill(0) self.ctx.synchronize() start.record() self.kern_count_vals( self.gpu_uniq_len, np.int32(1), self.gpu_counter_select_gl, # collect contigs with length 1 np.int32(self.n_contigs), block=block_, grid=grid_, ) end.record() end.synchronize() size_block = 1024 block_ = (size_block, 1, 1) grid_ = (int(self.n_new_frags // size_block) + 1, 1) map_pos = (pos_ptr, pos_siz) = map_pos.device_ptr_and_size() map_col = (col_ptr, col_siz) = map_col.device_ptr_and_size() max_id = np.float32(self.n_contigs - 1) # self.gpu_vect_frags.copy_from_gpu() # c = self.gpu_vect_frags # n_un = np.nonzero(c.l_cont == 1)[0].shape[0] # self.n_contigs_un = self.gpu_counter_select_gl.get()[0] # if n_un != self.n_contigs_un: # raw_input(" WTF?....") # update pos particles ##### self.gl_update_pos( self.gpu_uniq_len, np.intp(pos_ptr), np.intp(col_ptr), self.gpu_vel, self.pos_gen_cuda, self.vel_gen_cuda, self.gpu_vect_frags.get_ptr(), self.gpu_old_2_new_id_c, self.gpu_id_contigs, max_id, self.n_new_frags, np.int32(id_fi), self.gpu_counter_select_gl, self.rng_states, np.int32(self.n_generators), dt, block=block_, grid=grid_, ) self.ctx.synchronize() map_pos.unmap() map_col.unmap() # update image ##### # compute cumulated length thrust... self.thrust_module.prefix_sum(self.gpu_uniq_len, int(self.n_contigs)) # self.d = self.gpu_uniq_len.get() # print "prefix sum done!" max_id = np.int32(max_id) self.kern_frags_2_gl_pxl( self.gpu_vect_frags.get_ptr(), self.gpu_vect_gl_pxl_frag, self.gpu_uniq_len, np.int32(max_id), np.float32(self.gl_size_im), self.n_new_frags, block=block_, grid=grid_, ) self.ctx.synchronize() # print "frags to pixels!" # self.e = self.gpu_vect_gl_pxl_frag.get() mapping_obj = im_2_update = mapping_obj.device_ptr() size_block_4_gl = 1024 block_ = (int(size_block_4_gl), 1, 1) grid_ = (int(self.n_data_4_gl / size_block_4_gl + 1), 1) # print "grid = ", grid_ self.gpu_counter_select_4_gl.fill(0) self.ctx.synchronize() self.kern_prepare_sparse_call_4_gl( self.gpu_rows_4_gl, self.gpu_cols_4_gl, self.gpu_ptr_4_gl, self.gpu_vect_gl_pxl_frag, self.gpu_info_blocks, self.gpu_counter_select_4_gl, np.int32(self.gl_size_im), np.int32(self.n_data_4_gl), block=block_, grid=grid_, ) self.ctx.synchronize() self.gpu_im_gl.fill(0) self.ctx.synchronize() self.kern_update_matrix( self.gpu_rows_4_gl, self.gpu_cols_4_gl, self.gpu_data_4_gl, self.gpu_ptr_4_gl, self.gpu_info_blocks, self.gpu_vect_gl_pxl_frag, self.gpu_im_gl, np.int32(self.gl_size_im), np.int32(self.n_data_4_gl), block=block_, grid=grid_, ) self.ctx.synchronize() self.im_thresh = max(1, self.im_thresh) all_pix_gl = self.gl_size_im ** 2 grid_all = (int(all_pix_gl / 1024 + 1), 1) self.kern_update_gl_buffer( np.intp(im_2_update), self.gpu_im_gl, np.int32(self.im_thresh), np.int32(all_pix_gl), block=(1024, 1, 1), grid=grid_all, ) self.ctx.synchronize() mapping_obj.unmap() # Unmap the GlBuffer # print "time to update gl image = ", t1 - t0 return max_id
[docs] def test_thrust(self): t_start = time.time() self.thrust_module.sort_by_keys_zip( self.gpu_sub_sp_no_rep_rows, int(self.n_sub_vals), self.gpu_sub_sp_no_rep_cols, ) t_end = time.time() "GPU thrust sort 1: elapsed time = {}".format(t_end - t_start) ) self.thrust_module.sort_by_keys_zip( self.gpu_sub_sp_no_rep_rows, int(self.n_sub_vals), self.gpu_sub_sp_no_rep_data, ) t_end_2 = time.time() "GPU thrust sort 2: elapsed time = {}".format(t_end_2 - t_end) )
[docs] def prepare_sparse_call(self): size_block = 512 block_ = (size_block, 1, 1) n_blocks = int(self.n_sub_vals // size_block + 1) grid_ = (n_blocks, 1) start = cuda.Event() end = cuda.Event() self.gpu_counter_select.fill(0) self.ctx.synchronize() self.gpu_sub_sp_block_indptr = ga.to_gpu( np.zeros((self.n_sub_vals,), dtype=np.int32) ) self.gpu_info_blocks = ga.to_gpu( np.zeros((n_blocks,), dtype=self.int3) ) # print "grid = ", grid_ self.gpu_counter_select.fill(0) self.ctx.synchronize() start.record() self.kern_prepare_sparse_call( self.gpu_sub_sp_no_rep_rows, self.gpu_info_blocks, self.gpu_sub_sp_block_indptr, self.gpu_counter_select, np.int32(self.n_sub_vals), block=block_, grid=grid_, ) end.record() end.synchronize() elapsed_seconds = end.time_since(start) * 1e-3 logger.debug( "GPU prepare sparse call: elapsed time = {}".format( elapsed_seconds ) )
[docs] def return_rippe_vals(self, p0): y_eval = opti.peval(self.bins, p0) return y_eval
[docs] def f_rippe(self, x, param): kuhn, lm, c1, slope, d, d_max, fact, d_nuc = param[0] if x < d_max: rippe = fact * ( 0.53 * (kuhn ** -3.) * np.power((lm * x / kuhn), slope) * np.exp((d - 2) / ((np.power((lm * x / kuhn), 2) + d))) ) else: rippe = d_nuc return rippe
[docs] def f_hic(self, x, param): d_init, d_max, alpha_0, alpha_1, A, v_inter = param[0] hic_c = np.zeros(x.shape) val_lim_0 = A * np.power(d_init, alpha_0 - alpha_1) for i in range(0, len(hic_c)): if x[i] < d_init: hic_c[i] = A * np.power(x[i], alpha_0) else: hic_c[i] = val_lim_0 * np.power(x[i], alpha_1) return hic_c
[docs] def step_nuisance_parameters(self, dt, t, n_step): self.gpu_vect_frags.copy_from_gpu() # max_id = self.modify_gl_cuda_buffer(0, dt) self.gl_window.remote_update() curr_param = np.copy(self.param_simu) kuhn, lm, c1, slope, d, d_max, fact, d_nuc = curr_param[0] # print " curr param = ", curr_param[0] self.sigma_fact = 10 ** (np.log10(fact) - 2) # for G1 self.sigma_slope = 0.005 # test malaysian self.sigma_d_max = 100 # test simu s1 self.sigma_d_nuc = 10 ** (np.log10(d_nuc) - 2) # test s1 self.sigma_d = 10 # ok for s1 # randomly select a modifier id_modif = np.random.choice(4) # id_modif = np.random.choice(4) # print "id_modif", id_modif if id_modif == 0: # scale factor new_fact = fact + np.random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=self.sigma_fact) test_param = [kuhn, lm, slope, d, new_fact] # new_d_max = opti.estimate_max_dist_intra(test_param, d_nuc) new_d_max = opti.estimate_max_dist_intra_nuis( test_param, d_nuc, d_max ) c1 = np.float32( (0.53 * np.power(lm / kuhn, slope)) * np.power(kuhn, -3) ) out_test_param = [ (kuhn, lm, c1, slope, d, new_d_max, new_fact, d_nuc) ] elif id_modif == 1: # slope new_slope = slope + np.random.normal( loc=0.0, scale=self.sigma_slope ) test_param = [kuhn, lm, new_slope, d, fact] # new_d_max = opti.estimate_max_dist_intra(test_param, d_nuc) new_d_max = opti.estimate_max_dist_intra_nuis( test_param, d_nuc, d_max ) c1 = np.float32( (0.53 * np.power(lm / kuhn, new_slope)) * np.power(kuhn, -3) ) out_test_param = [ (kuhn, lm, c1, new_slope, d, new_d_max, fact, d_nuc) ] elif id_modif == 2: # max distance intra new_d_max = d_max + np.random.normal( loc=0.0, scale=self.sigma_d_max ) test_param = [kuhn, lm, slope, d, fact] new_d_nuc = opti.peval(new_d_max, test_param) c1 = np.float32( (0.53 * np.power(lm / kuhn, slope)) * np.power(kuhn, -3) ) out_test_param = [ (kuhn, lm, c1, slope, d, new_d_max, fact, new_d_nuc) ] elif id_modif == 3: # val trans if self.sigma_d_nuc <= 0: new_d_nuc = d_nuc else: new_d_nuc = d_nuc + np.random.normal( loc=0.0, scale=self.sigma_d_nuc ) test_param = [kuhn, lm, slope, d, fact] # new_d_max = opti.estimate_max_dist_intra(test_param, new_d_nuc) new_d_max = opti.estimate_max_dist_intra_nuis( test_param, new_d_nuc, d_max ) c1 = np.float32( (0.53 * np.power(lm / kuhn, slope)) * np.power(kuhn, -3) ) out_test_param = [ (kuhn, lm, c1, slope, d, new_d_max, fact, new_d_nuc) ] else: # d new_d = d + np.random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=self.sigma_d) test_param = [kuhn, lm, slope, new_d, fact] # new_d_max = opti.estimate_max_dist_intra(test_param, d_nuc) new_d_max = opti.estimate_max_dist_intra_nuis( test_param, d_nuc, d_max ) c1 = np.float32( (0.53 * np.power(lm / kuhn, slope)) * np.power(kuhn, -3) ) out_test_param = [ (kuhn, lm, c1, slope, new_d, new_d_max, fact, d_nuc) ] out_test_param = np.array(out_test_param, dtype=self.param_simu_T) # print "test param = ", test_param # print "out test param = ",out_test_param self.param_simu_test = out_test_param cuda.memcpy_htod(self.gpu_param_simu_test, out_test_param) self.likelihood_nuis = self.eval_likelihood_4_nuisance() F_t = self.temperature(t, n_step) ratio = np.exp((self.likelihood_nuis - self.likelihood_t) / F_t) u = np.random.rand() success = 0 if ratio >= u: # print "success" success = 1 cuda.memcpy_htod(self.gpu_param_simu, out_test_param) self.param_simu = out_test_param self.likelihood_t = self.likelihood_nuis # else: # print "reject" kuhn, lm, c1, slope, d, d_max, fact, d_nuc = self.param_simu[0] p0 = [kuhn, lm, slope, d, fact] y_rippe = self.return_rippe_vals(p0) return ( fact, d, d_max, d_nuc, slope, self.likelihood_t, success, y_rippe, )
[docs] def setup_distri_frags(self,): # generates random variables for every frags # TO DO : prendre en compte la composition initiale pour les probas!!!"setup jumping distribution: start") self.distri_frags = dict() fact = 3.0 # print "N frags = ", self.n_frags "Shape sub mat = {}".format( self.sym_sub_sampled_sparse_matrix.shape ) ) # print "shape indices = ", # self.sub_sampled_sparse_matrix.indices.shape # print "shape indptr = ", self.sub_sampled_sparse_matrix.indptr.shape for i in range(0, self.n_frags): start = self.sym_sub_sampled_sparse_matrix.indptr[i] end = self.sym_sub_sampled_sparse_matrix.indptr[i + 1] # print "id_sp max= ", np.max(id_sp) vk =[start:end] yk = self.sym_sub_sampled_sparse_matrix.indices[start:end] # remove auto contact vtmp_1 = np.copy(vk) xk_tmp = np.copy(yk) id_hetero_contact = np.nonzero(yk != i)[0] xk = xk_tmp[id_hetero_contact] vtmp = vtmp_1[id_hetero_contact] dat = np.float32(vtmp) * fact # remove auto contact if dat.sum() > 0: # tmp_pk = (dat / dat.sum())**fact # pk = tmp_pk / tmp_pk.sum() pk = dat / np.linalg.norm(dat, 1) else: tmp = np.ones_like(dat, dtype=np.float32) pk = tmp / tmp.sum() if len(xk) > 0: self.distri_frags[i] = dict() # self.distri_frags[i]['distri'] = # stats.rv_discrete(name='frag_'+str(i), values=(xk, pk)) self.distri_frags[i]["distri"] = "ok" self.distri_frags[i]["xk"] = xk self.distri_frags[i]["pk"] = pk else: self.distri_frags[i] = dict() self.distri_frags[i]["distri"] = None"setup jumping distribution: done")
[docs] def return_neighbours(self, id_fA, delta0): # print "id_frag = ", id_fA # delta0 = self.n_neighbours # self.n_neighbours = 10 ori_id = self.gpu_vect_frags.id_d[id_fA] # delta = min(self.n_neighbours, delta0) delta = delta0 # DEBUG # if ori_id in self.id_frag_duplicated: # delta = max(self.n_neighbors, delta) # fact = 3 # pk = self.distri_frags[ori_id]['pk']**fact # distri = pk / pk.sum() if self.distri_frags[ori_id]["distri"] is not None: distri = self.distri_frags[ori_id]["pk"] n_max_candidates = min(delta, np.nonzero(distri != 0)[0].shape[0]) init_id = np.random.choice( self.distri_frags[ori_id]["xk"], n_max_candidates, p=distri, replace=False, ) else: init_id = np.random.choice(self.n_frags, delta, replace=False) out = [] if ori_id in self.id_frag_duplicated: d = self.frag_dispatcher[ori_id] dup = np.lib.arraysetops.setdiff1d( self.collector_id_repeats[d["x"] : d["y"]], id_fA ) out.extend(dup) for id_fB in init_id: d = self.frag_dispatcher[id_fB] out.extend(self.collector_id_repeats[d["x"] : d["y"]]) real_out = [] for ele in out: if ele not in self.id_frags_blacklisted: real_out.append(ele) return real_out
[docs] def set_jumping_distributions_parameters(self, delta): self.define_neighbourhood() self.jump_dictionnary = dict() for i in range(0, self.n_frags): id_neighbours = self.sorted_neighbours[i, -delta:] # id_no_neighbours = self.sorted_neighbours[i, 0:delta] scores = np.array( self.matrix_normalized[i, id_neighbours], dtype=np.float32 ) # val_mean = self.matrix_normalized[i, id_no_neighbours].mean() norm_scores = scores / scores.sum() self.jump_dictionnary[i] = dict() self.jump_dictionnary[i]["proba"] = norm_scores self.jump_dictionnary[i]["frags"] = np.array( id_neighbours, dtype=np.int32 ) self.jump_dictionnary[i]["distri"] = np.zeros( (self.n_frags), dtype=np.float32 ) self.jump_dictionnary[i]["set_frags"] = set() for k in range(0, delta): id_frag = self.jump_dictionnary[i]["frags"][k] self.jump_dictionnary[i]["set_frags"].add(id_frag) proba = self.jump_dictionnary[i]["proba"][k] self.jump_dictionnary[i]["distri"][id_frag] = proba
# test = True # while test: # id = raw_input(" give a frag id ?") # id = int(id) # print self.jump_dictionnary[id] # test = raw_input(" keep on ? ") # test = int(test) != 0
[docs] def temperature(self, t, n_step): # T0 = np.float32(6 * 10 ** 3) # Tf = np.float32(6*10 ** 2) # # n_step = n_step # limit_rejection = 0.5 # if t <= n_step * limit_rejection: # val = T0 * (Tf / T0)**(t / (n_step* limit_rejection)) # else: # val = T0 * (Tf / T0)**(limit_rejection) # # val = Tf # # print "temperature = ", val val = 1.0 return val
[docs] def free_gpu(self,): self.gpu_vect_frags.__del__() (free, total) = cuda.mem_get_info() logger.debug( ( "Global memory occupancy after cleaning processes: %f%% free" % (free * 100 / total) ) ) logger.debug(("Global free memory :%i Mo free" % (free / 10 ** 6))) self.ctx.detach() del self.module
[docs] def modify_param_simu(self, param_simu, id_val, val): new_param_simu = np.copy(param_simu) if id_val == 0: new_param_simu["d"] = np.float32(val) elif id_val == 1: new_param_simu["slope"] = np.float32(val) return new_param_simu