Source code for instagraal.simu_single

#!/usr/bin/env python3

# import pp
import os
import instagraal.pyramid_sparse as pyr

# import Image
# from OpenGL.GL import *
import OpenGL.GL
from OpenGL.arrays import vbo
import numpy as np
from instagraal.cuda_lib_gl_single import sampler as sampler_lib

# from cuda_lib_gl import sampler as sampler_lib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from instagraal import log
from instagraal.log import logger


# cuda.init()

[docs]def kth_diag_indices(a, k): rows, cols = np.diag_indices_from(a) if k < 0: return rows[:k], cols[-k:] elif k > 0: return rows[k:], cols[:-k] else: return rows, cols
[docs]class simulation: def __init__( self, name, folder_path, fasta, level, n_iterations, is_simu, gl_window, use_rippe, gl_size_im, thresh_factor=1, output_folder=None, ): = name self.use_rippe = use_rippe self.str_sub_level = str(level - 1) self.str_level = str(level) self.thresh_factor = thresh_factor self.data_set = name toolbox_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) self.data_set_root = toolbox_directory self.dir_home = toolbox_directory self.data_set_root = toolbox_directory self.fasta = fasta # default_level = size_pyramid - 1 # self.base_folder = os.path.join( # self.data_set_root, self.data_set # ) self.base_folder = folder_path if output_folder is None: self.output_folder = os.path.join(self.data_set_root, "results") else: self.output_folder = output_folder self.select_data_set(name) self.n_iterations = n_iterations self.gl_size_im = gl_size_im self.int4 = np.dtype( [ ("x", np.int32), ("y", np.int32), ("z", np.int32), ("w", np.int32), ], align=True, ) self.float3 = np.dtype( [("x", np.float32), ("y", np.float32), ("z", np.float32)], align=True, ) self.float4 = np.dtype( [ ("x", np.float32), ("y", np.float32), ("z", np.float32), ("w", np.float32), ], align=True, ) self.int3 = np.dtype( [("x", np.int32), ("y", np.int32), ("z", np.int32)], align=True ) self.int2 = np.dtype([("x", np.int32), ("y", np.int32)], align=True) self.level = self.hic_pyr.get_level(level) self.level.build_seq_per_bin(genome_fasta=self.fasta) self.sub_level = self.hic_pyr.get_level(level - 1) self.n_frags = self.level.n_frags self.create_sub_frags() self.mean_squared_frags_per_bin = np.float32( (self.collect_accu_frags.mean()) ** 2 ) "mean frag area = {}".format(self.mean_squared_frags_per_bin) ) self.gl_window = gl_window # DEFINE REPEATED SEQ #### ( self.candidate_dup, self.data_candidate_dup, self.sub_candidates_dup, self.sub_candidates_output_data, ) = self.select_repeated_frags() self.modify_vect_frags() self.blacklist_contig() # self.discard_low_coverage_frags() self.load_gl_buffers() self.create_new_sub_frags() self.modify_sub_vect_frags() self.gl_size_im = min(gl_size_im, self.n_frags) self.init_gl_image() self.sampler = sampler_lib( use_rippe, self.new_S_o_A_frags, self.collector_id_repeats, self.frag_dispatcher, self.candidate_dup, self.frag_blacklisted, self.init_n_frags, self.n_frags, self.init_n_sub_frags, self.n_new_sub_frags, self.rep_sub_frags_id, self.level.sparse_mat_csr, self.np_sub_frags_len_bp, self.np_sub_frags_id, self.np_sub_frags_accu, self.np_sub_frags_2_frags, self.mean_squared_frags_per_bin, self.norm_vect, self.sub_candidates_dup, self.sub_candidates_output_data, self.new_sub_S_o_A_frags, self.sub_collector_id_repeats, self.sub_frag_dispatcher, self.sub_level.sparse_mat_csr, self.sub_level.mean_value_trans, n_iterations, is_simu, self.gl_window, self.pos_vbo, self.col_vbo, self.vel, self.pos, self.raw_im_init, self.pbo_im_buffer, self.gl_size_im, ) # display_graph = False display_graph = True id_start = np.nonzero(self.sampler.gpu_vect_frags.start_bp == 0)[0] max_dist_kb = ( self.sampler.gpu_vect_frags.l_cont_bp[id_start].max() / 1000. )"max dist kb = {}".format(max_dist_kb)) # size_bin_kb = self.sampler.gpu_vect_frags.len_bp.mean() / 1000.0 mean_size_bin_kb = self.new_sub_S_o_A_frags["len_bp"].mean() / 1000.0"mean size kb = {}".format(mean_size_bin_kb)) "min fragment length = {}".format( self.new_sub_S_o_A_frags["len_bp"].min() / 1000.0 ) ) if is_simu: self.sampler.simulate_rippe_contacts( 100, 9.6, -1.5, 0.5, 1, 800, 200 ) else: if self.use_rippe: self.sampler.estimate_parameters_rippe( max_dist_kb, mean_size_bin_kb / 2., display_graph ) else: self.sampler.estimate_parameters( max_dist_kb, mean_size_bin_kb / 2, display_graph ) # self.sampler.setup_texture()
[docs] def blacklist_contig(self): # list_blacklist_manual = raw_input("ids (separated by space): ") list_blacklist_manual = "" if list_blacklist_manual != "": list_blacklist_manual = list_blacklist_manual.split(" ") candidates_blacklist = [int(i) for i in list_blacklist_manual] else: candidates_blacklist = [] init_vect_frags = self.level.S_o_A_frags list_id_c = init_vect_frags["id_c"] # candidates_blacklist = [] frag_blacklisted = [] for id_c_black in candidates_blacklist: id_black_list = np.nonzero(list_id_c == id_c_black)[0] for init_f in id_black_list: dis = self.frag_dispatcher[init_f] ids = self.collector_id_repeats[dis["x"] : dis["y"]] frag_blacklisted.extend(list(ids)) self.frag_blacklisted = frag_blacklisted for id_f_black in self.frag_blacklisted: self.col_vect_frags_4_GL[id_f_black, 0] = np.float32(0) self.col_vect_frags_4_GL[id_f_black, 1] = np.float32(0) self.col_vect_frags_4_GL[id_f_black, 2] = np.float32(0) self.col_vect_frags_4_GL[id_f_black, 3] = np.float32(0)
[docs] def discard_low_coverage_frags(self): mat = np.copy(self.level.im_curr) mat_norm = np.array( self.norm_vect.T * self.norm_vect, dtype=np.float32 ) self.matrix_normalized = mat / mat_norm coverage = self.matrix_normalized.sum(axis=1) mean_coverage = coverage.mean() std_coverage = coverage.std() mean_coverage_ext = mean_coverage - 0.1 * std_coverage candidates_low = np.nonzero(coverage < mean_coverage_ext)[0] "n discarded frag of low coverage = {}".format( candidates_low.shape[0] ) ) for init_f in candidates_low: dis = self.frag_dispatcher[init_f] ids = self.collector_id_repeats[dis["x"] : dis["y"]] self.frag_blacklisted.extend(list(ids))
[docs] def modify_vect_frags(self): "include repeated frags" modified_vect_frags = dict() init_vect_frags = self.level.S_o_A_frags # init_max_id_d = init_vect_frags["id"].max() max_id_F = len(init_vect_frags["id"]) max_id_C = init_vect_frags["id_c"].max() + 1 # HSV_tuples = [(x*1.0/(max_id_C - 1), 0.5, 0.5) for x in range(0, # (max_id_C-1))] # cmap = cmap = # extract all colors from the .jet map cmaplist = [cmap(i) for i in range(cmap.N)] id_smple = np.linspace(0, cmap.N, num=max_id_C) RGB_tuples = [] for i in range(0, max_id_C - 1): RGB_tuples.append(cmaplist[int(id_smple[i])]) # RGB_tuples = map(lambda x: colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(*x), HSV_tuples) self.init_n_frags = len(init_vect_frags["id"]) modified_vect_frags["pos"] = list(init_vect_frags["pos"]) modified_vect_frags["sub_pos"] = list(init_vect_frags["sub_pos"]) modified_vect_frags["id_c"] = list(init_vect_frags["id_c"]) modified_vect_frags["start_bp"] = list(init_vect_frags["start_bp"]) modified_vect_frags["len_bp"] = list(init_vect_frags["len_bp"]) modified_vect_frags["sub_len"] = list(init_vect_frags["sub_len"]) modified_vect_frags["circ"] = list(init_vect_frags["circ"]) modified_vect_frags["id"] = list(init_vect_frags["id"]) modified_vect_frags["prev"] = list(init_vect_frags["prev"]) modified_vect_frags["next"] = list(init_vect_frags["next"]) modified_vect_frags["l_cont"] = list(init_vect_frags["l_cont"]) modified_vect_frags["sub_l_cont"] = list(init_vect_frags["sub_l_cont"]) modified_vect_frags["l_cont_bp"] = list(init_vect_frags["l_cont_bp"]) modified_vect_frags["n_accu"] = list(init_vect_frags["n_accu"]) modified_vect_frags["rep"] = list(np.zeros(max_id_F, dtype=np.int32)) modified_vect_frags["activ"] = list(np.ones(max_id_F, dtype=np.int32)) modified_vect_frags["id_d"] = list(init_vect_frags["id"]) for data_dup in self.data_candidate_dup: n_dup = int(data_dup[1]) id_f = data_dup[0] for k in range(0, n_dup): modified_vect_frags["pos"].append(0) modified_vect_frags["sub_pos"].append(0) modified_vect_frags["id_c"].append(max_id_C) modified_vect_frags["start_bp"].append(0) modified_vect_frags["len_bp"].append( init_vect_frags["len_bp"][id_f] ) modified_vect_frags["sub_len"].append( init_vect_frags["sub_len"][id_f] ) modified_vect_frags["circ"].append( init_vect_frags["circ"][id_f] ) modified_vect_frags["id"].append(max_id_F) modified_vect_frags["prev"].append(-1) modified_vect_frags["next"].append(-1) modified_vect_frags["l_cont"].append(1) modified_vect_frags["sub_l_cont"].append( init_vect_frags["sub_len"][id_f] ) modified_vect_frags["l_cont_bp"].append( init_vect_frags["len_bp"][id_f] ) modified_vect_frags["n_accu"].append( init_vect_frags["n_accu"][id_f] ) modified_vect_frags["rep"].append(1) modified_vect_frags["activ"].append(1) modified_vect_frags["id_d"].append(init_vect_frags["id"][id_f]) max_id_F += 1 max_id_C += 1 modified_vect_frags["pos"] = np.array( modified_vect_frags["pos"], dtype=np.int32 ) modified_vect_frags["sub_pos"] = np.array( modified_vect_frags["sub_pos"], dtype=np.int32 ) modified_vect_frags["id_c"] = np.array( modified_vect_frags["id_c"], dtype=np.int32 ) modified_vect_frags["start_bp"] = np.array( modified_vect_frags["start_bp"], dtype=np.int32 ) modified_vect_frags["len_bp"] = np.array( modified_vect_frags["len_bp"], dtype=np.int32 ) modified_vect_frags["sub_len"] = np.array( modified_vect_frags["sub_len"], dtype=np.int32 ) modified_vect_frags["circ"] = np.array( modified_vect_frags["circ"], dtype=np.int32 ) modified_vect_frags["id"] = np.array( modified_vect_frags["id"], dtype=np.int32 ) modified_vect_frags["prev"] = np.array( modified_vect_frags["prev"], dtype=np.int32 ) modified_vect_frags["next"] = np.array( modified_vect_frags["next"], dtype=np.int32 ) modified_vect_frags["l_cont"] = np.array( modified_vect_frags["l_cont"], dtype=np.int32 ) modified_vect_frags["sub_l_cont"] = np.array( modified_vect_frags["sub_l_cont"], dtype=np.int32 ) modified_vect_frags["l_cont_bp"] = np.array( modified_vect_frags["l_cont_bp"], dtype=np.int32 ) modified_vect_frags["n_accu"] = np.array( modified_vect_frags["n_accu"], dtype=np.int32 ) modified_vect_frags["rep"] = np.array( modified_vect_frags["rep"], dtype=np.int32 ) modified_vect_frags["activ"] = np.array( modified_vect_frags["activ"], dtype=np.int32 ) modified_vect_frags["id_d"] = np.array( modified_vect_frags["id_d"], dtype=np.int32 ) id_x = 0 collector_id_repeats = [] frag_dispatcher = [] # BUILD LINK BETWEEN FRAGS AND SUB FRAGS for id_f in range(0, self.init_n_frags): if id_f in self.candidate_dup: id_start = id_x id_dup = np.nonzero(modified_vect_frags["id_d"] == id_f)[0] collector_id_repeats.extend(list(id_dup)) n_rep = len(id_dup) frag_dispatcher.append( (np.int32(id_start), np.int32(id_start + n_rep)) ) id_x += n_rep else: id_start = id_x n_rep = 1 frag_dispatcher.append( (np.int32(id_start), np.int32(id_start + n_rep)) ) collector_id_repeats.append(id_f) id_x += 1 self.collector_id_repeats = np.array( collector_id_repeats, dtype=np.int32 ) self.frag_dispatcher = np.array(frag_dispatcher, dtype=self.int2) self.n_frags = len(modified_vect_frags["id"]) pos_vect_frags_4_GL = np.ndarray((self.n_frags, 4), dtype=np.float32) col_vect_frags_4_GL = np.ndarray((self.n_frags, 4), dtype=np.float32) for id_f_curr in range(0, self.n_frags): id_d = modified_vect_frags["id_d"][id_f_curr] id_c = init_vect_frags["id_c"][id_d] pos_vect_frags_4_GL[id_f_curr, 0] = modified_vect_frags["pos"][ id_f_curr ] pos_vect_frags_4_GL[id_f_curr, 1] = modified_vect_frags["id_c"][ id_f_curr ] pos_vect_frags_4_GL[id_f_curr, 2] = 0. pos_vect_frags_4_GL[id_f_curr, 3] = np.float32(1.0) col_vect_frags_4_GL[id_f_curr, 0] = np.float32( RGB_tuples[id_c - 1][0] ) col_vect_frags_4_GL[id_f_curr, 1] = np.float32( RGB_tuples[id_c - 1][1] ) col_vect_frags_4_GL[id_f_curr, 2] = np.float32( RGB_tuples[id_c - 1][2] ) col_vect_frags_4_GL[id_f_curr, 3] = np.float32(1.0) self.col_vect_frags_4_GL = col_vect_frags_4_GL self.pos_vect_frags_4_GL = pos_vect_frags_4_GL self.new_S_o_A_frags = modified_vect_frags
[docs] def modify_sub_vect_frags(self): "include repeated frags" modified_vect_frags = dict() init_vect_frags = self.sub_level.S_o_A_frags # init_max_id_d = init_vect_frags["id"].max() max_id_F = len(init_vect_frags["id"]) max_id_C = init_vect_frags["id_c"].max() + 1 # HSV_tuples = [(x*1.0/(max_id_C - 1), 0.5, 0.5) for x in range(0, # (max_id_C-1))] # cmap = cmap = # extract all colors from the .jet map cmaplist = [cmap(i) for i in range(cmap.N)] id_smple = np.linspace(0, cmap.N, num=max_id_C) RGB_tuples = [] for i in range(0, max_id_C - 1): RGB_tuples.append(cmaplist[int(id_smple[i])]) # RGB_tuples = map(lambda x: colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(*x), HSV_tuples) self.init_n_sub_frags = len(init_vect_frags["id"]) modified_vect_frags["pos"] = list(init_vect_frags["pos"]) modified_vect_frags["sub_pos"] = list(init_vect_frags["sub_pos"]) modified_vect_frags["id_c"] = list(init_vect_frags["id_c"]) modified_vect_frags["start_bp"] = list(init_vect_frags["start_bp"]) modified_vect_frags["len_bp"] = list(init_vect_frags["len_bp"]) modified_vect_frags["sub_len"] = list(init_vect_frags["sub_len"]) modified_vect_frags["circ"] = list(init_vect_frags["circ"]) modified_vect_frags["id"] = list(init_vect_frags["id"]) modified_vect_frags["prev"] = list(init_vect_frags["prev"]) modified_vect_frags["next"] = list(init_vect_frags["next"]) modified_vect_frags["l_cont"] = list(init_vect_frags["l_cont"]) modified_vect_frags["sub_l_cont"] = list(init_vect_frags["sub_l_cont"]) modified_vect_frags["l_cont_bp"] = list(init_vect_frags["l_cont_bp"]) modified_vect_frags["n_accu"] = list(init_vect_frags["n_accu"]) modified_vect_frags["rep"] = list(np.zeros(max_id_F, dtype=np.int32)) modified_vect_frags["activ"] = list(np.ones(max_id_F, dtype=np.int32)) modified_vect_frags["id_d"] = list(init_vect_frags["id"]) # WARNING IMPLICT BREAKING OF THE CONTIGS for data_dup in self.sub_candidates_output_data: n_dup = int(data_dup[1]) id_f = data_dup[0] for k in range(0, n_dup): modified_vect_frags["pos"].append(0) modified_vect_frags["sub_pos"].append(0) modified_vect_frags["id_c"].append(max_id_C) modified_vect_frags["start_bp"].append(0) modified_vect_frags["len_bp"].append( init_vect_frags["len_bp"][id_f] ) modified_vect_frags["sub_len"].append( init_vect_frags["sub_len"][id_f] ) modified_vect_frags["circ"].append( init_vect_frags["circ"][id_f] ) modified_vect_frags["id"].append(max_id_F) modified_vect_frags["prev"].append(-1) modified_vect_frags["next"].append(-1) modified_vect_frags["l_cont"].append(1) modified_vect_frags["sub_l_cont"].append( init_vect_frags["sub_len"][id_f] ) modified_vect_frags["l_cont_bp"].append( init_vect_frags["len_bp"][id_f] ) modified_vect_frags["n_accu"].append( init_vect_frags["n_accu"][id_f] ) modified_vect_frags["rep"].append(1) modified_vect_frags["activ"].append(1) modified_vect_frags["id_d"].append(init_vect_frags["id"][id_f]) max_id_F += 1 max_id_C += 1"MAX ID CONTIG = {}".format(max_id_C)) modified_vect_frags["pos"] = np.array( modified_vect_frags["pos"], dtype=np.int32 ) modified_vect_frags["sub_pos"] = np.array( modified_vect_frags["sub_pos"], dtype=np.int32 ) modified_vect_frags["id_c"] = np.array( modified_vect_frags["id_c"], dtype=np.int32 ) modified_vect_frags["start_bp"] = np.array( modified_vect_frags["start_bp"], dtype=np.int32 ) modified_vect_frags["len_bp"] = np.array( modified_vect_frags["len_bp"], dtype=np.int32 ) modified_vect_frags["sub_len"] = np.array( modified_vect_frags["sub_len"], dtype=np.int32 ) modified_vect_frags["circ"] = np.array( modified_vect_frags["circ"], dtype=np.int32 ) modified_vect_frags["id"] = np.array( modified_vect_frags["id"], dtype=np.int32 ) modified_vect_frags["prev"] = np.array( modified_vect_frags["prev"], dtype=np.int32 ) modified_vect_frags["next"] = np.array( modified_vect_frags["next"], dtype=np.int32 ) modified_vect_frags["l_cont"] = np.array( modified_vect_frags["l_cont"], dtype=np.int32 ) modified_vect_frags["sub_l_cont"] = np.array( modified_vect_frags["sub_l_cont"], dtype=np.int32 ) modified_vect_frags["l_cont_bp"] = np.array( modified_vect_frags["l_cont_bp"], dtype=np.int32 ) modified_vect_frags["n_accu"] = np.array( modified_vect_frags["n_accu"], dtype=np.int32 ) modified_vect_frags["rep"] = np.array( modified_vect_frags["rep"], dtype=np.int32 ) modified_vect_frags["activ"] = np.array( modified_vect_frags["activ"], dtype=np.int32 ) modified_vect_frags["id_d"] = np.array( modified_vect_frags["id_d"], dtype=np.int32 ) id_x = 0 collector_id_repeats = [] frag_dispatcher = [] for id_f in range(0, self.init_n_sub_frags): if id_f in self.sub_candidates_dup: id_start = id_x id_dup = np.nonzero(modified_vect_frags["id_d"] == id_f)[0] collector_id_repeats.extend(list(id_dup)) n_rep = len(id_dup) frag_dispatcher.append( (np.int32(id_start), np.int32(id_start + n_rep)) ) id_x += n_rep else: id_start = id_x n_rep = 1 frag_dispatcher.append( (np.int32(id_start), np.int32(id_start + n_rep)) ) collector_id_repeats.append(id_f) id_x += 1 self.sub_collector_id_repeats = np.array( collector_id_repeats, dtype=np.int32 ) self.sub_frag_dispatcher = np.array(frag_dispatcher, dtype=self.int2) self.sub_n_frags = len(modified_vect_frags["id"]) # pos_vect_frags_4_GL = np.ndarray((self.n_frags, 4), dtype=np.float32) # col_vect_frags_4_GL = np.ndarray((self.n_frags, 4), dtype=np.float32) # # for id_f_curr in xrange(0 , self.sub_n_frags): # id_d = modified_vect_frags['id_d'][id_f_curr] # id_c = init_vect_frags['id_c'][id_d] # pos_vect_frags_4_GL[id_f_curr, 0] = # modified_vect_frags['pos'][id_f_curr] # pos_vect_frags_4_GL[id_f_curr, 1] = # modified_vect_frags['id_c'][id_f_curr] # pos_vect_frags_4_GL[id_f_curr, 2] = 0. # pos_vect_frags_4_GL[id_f_curr, 3] = np.float32(1.0) # # col_vect_frags_4_GL[id_f_curr, 0] = # np.float32(RGB_tuples[id_c - 1][0]) # col_vect_frags_4_GL[id_f_curr, 1] = # np.float32(RGB_tuples[id_c - 1][1]) # col_vect_frags_4_GL[id_f_curr, 2] = # np.float32(RGB_tuples[id_c - 1][2]) # col_vect_frags_4_GL[id_f_curr, 3] = # np.float32(1.0) # # self.sub_col_vect_frags_4_GL = col_vect_frags_4_GL # self.sub_pos_vect_frags_4_GL = pos_vect_frags_4_GL self.new_sub_S_o_A_frags = modified_vect_frags
[docs] def select_repeated_frags(self): # # collect_cov = [] # step = 0 # p = ProgressBar('green', width=20, block='▣', empty='□') # for i in range(0, self.level.n_frags): # v_r = self.level.sparse_mat_csr[i, :] # v_c = self.level.sparse_mat_csc[:, i] # non_zeros = v_c.nnz + v_r.nnz # collect_cov.append(non_zeros) # step += 1 # if step%1000 == 0: # pt = step * 100 / self.level.n_frags # p.render(pt, 'step %s\nProcessing...\nDescription: computing # coverage per frag.' % step) coverage = np.array(self.level.sparse_mat_csr.sum(axis=0))[0] coverage += np.array( self.level.sparse_mat_csr.transpose().sum(axis=0) )[0] mean_coverage = coverage.mean() std_coverage = coverage.std() mean_coverage_ext = mean_coverage + 3 * std_coverage candidates_dup = np.nonzero(coverage > mean_coverage_ext)[0] # plt.figure() # plt.hist(coverage, 100) # plt.figure() # plt.plot(coverage) # plt.axhline(mean_coverage_ext, color='g') # # # plt.figure() # n, bins, patches = plt.hist(coverage, 10000, normed=1, # facecolor='blue', alpha=0.75) # # add a 'best fit' line # (mu, sigma) = # y = mlab.normpdf( bins, mu, sigma) # l = plt.plot(bins, y, 'r--', linewidth=2) # plt.axvline(mean_coverage_ext, color='g', linewidth=2) # #plot # plt.xlabel('Raw contacts frequency') # plt.ylabel('Probability') # plt.title(r'$\mathrm{Histogram\ of\ HiC\ contact\ (data\ %s):}\ # \mu=%.3f,\ \sigma=%.3f$' %(, mu, sigma)) # plt.legend(["gaussian fit","duplication limit","exp distribution"], # prop={'size':15}) # plt.grid(True) # # # DEBUGGGG ###############s########## # candidates_dup = [] # print "candidate frags for duplication = ", candidates_dup test = "" # test = raw_input("ok?") if not (test == ""): # print "---enter id duplicated frags--" list_dup_manual = input("ids (separated by space): ") if list_dup_manual != "": list_dup_manual = list_dup_manual.split(" ") candidates_dup = [int(i) for i in list_dup_manual] else: candidates_dup = [] # DEBUGGGG ######################### # candidates_dup = range(880, 890) # candidates_dup = range(663, 674) # candidates_dup = range(0, 800) # candidates_dup = range(1204, 1217) candidates_dup = [] # candidates_dup = range(1978, 2009) # print "you have selected: ", candidates_dup output_data = [] sub_candidates_dup = [] sub_candidates_output_data = [] for ele in candidates_dup: cov_ele = coverage[ele] estim_n_dup = np.max( [1, np.round(cov_ele / mean_coverage_ext) - 1] ) # estim_n_dup = np.max([1, np.ceil(cov_ele / mean_coverage_ext) - # 1]) output_data.append((ele, estim_n_dup)) # print "duplicated data = ", output_data tmp_sub_ids = self.np_sub_frags_id[ele] n_subs = tmp_sub_ids[-1] for i in range(0, n_subs): sub_candidates_dup.append(tmp_sub_ids[i]) sub_candidates_output_data.append( (tmp_sub_ids[i], estim_n_dup) )"N frag duplicated = {}".format(len(candidates_dup))) return ( candidates_dup, output_data, sub_candidates_dup, sub_candidates_output_data, )
[docs] def select_data_set(self, name): size_pyramid = 9 factor = 3 self.hic_pyr = pyr.build_and_filter( self.base_folder, size_pyramid, factor, thresh_factor=self.thresh_factor, )"pyramid loaded") if not (os.path.exists(self.output_folder)): os.mkdir(self.output_folder) self.output_folder = os.path.join(self.output_folder, self.data_set) if not (os.path.exists(self.output_folder)): os.mkdir(self.output_folder) self.output_folder = os.path.join( self.output_folder, "test_mcmc_" + self.str_level ) if not (os.path.exists(self.output_folder)): os.mkdir(self.output_folder) self.new_fasta = os.path.join(self.output_folder, "genome.fasta") self.info_frags = os.path.join(self.output_folder, "info_frags.txt") self.output_matrix_em = os.path.join( self.output_folder, "post_em.tiff" ) self.output_matrix_mcmc = os.path.join( self.output_folder, "post_mcmc.tiff" ) self.input_matrix = os.path.join(self.output_folder, "pre_simu.tiff") self.scrambled_input_matrix = os.path.join( self.output_folder, "scrambled_simu.tiff" )
[docs] def load_gl_buffers(self): num = self.n_frags pos = np.ndarray((num, 4), dtype=np.float32) seed = np.random.rand(2, num) pos[:, 0] = seed[0, :] pos[:, 1] = 0.0 pos[:, 2] = seed[1, :] # z pos pos[:, 3] = 1. # velocity # num = self.n_frags # pos = np.ndarray((num, 4), dtype=np.float32) # pos[:,1] = np.sin(np.arange(0., num) * 2.001 * np.pi / (10*num)) # pos[:,1] *= np.random.random_sample((num,)) / 3. - 0.2 # pos[:,2] = np.cos(np.arange(0., num) * 2.001 * np.pi /(10* num)) # pos[:,2] *= np.random.random_sample((num,)) / 3. - 0.2 # pos[:,0] = 0. # z pos # pos[:,3] = 1. # velocity self.pos = pos self.pos_vbo = vbo.VBO( data=self.pos, usage=OpenGL.GL.GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW, target=OpenGL.GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, ) # self.pos_vbo = vbo.VBO(data=self.pos_vect_frags_4_GL, # usage=GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW, target=GL_ARRAY_BUFFER) self.pos_vbo.bind() self.col_vbo = vbo.VBO( data=self.col_vect_frags_4_GL, usage=OpenGL.GL.GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW, target=OpenGL.GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, ) self.col_vbo.bind() self.vel = np.ndarray((self.n_frags, 4), dtype=np.float32) self.vel[:, 2] = self.pos[:, 2] * 2. self.vel[:, 1] = self.pos[:, 1] * 2. self.vel[:, 0] = 3. self.vel[:, 3] = np.random.random_sample((self.n_frags,))
[docs] def init_gl_image(self,): self.texid = 0 self.pbo_im_buffer = OpenGL.GL.glGenBuffers( 1 ) # generate 1 buffer reference OpenGL.GL.glBindBuffer( OpenGL.GL.GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER, self.pbo_im_buffer ) # binding to this buffer # self.raw_im_init = np.uint8(np.random.rand(self.gl_size_im, # self.gl_size_im)) self.raw_im_init = np.zeros( (self.gl_size_im, self.gl_size_im), dtype=np.uint8 ) OpenGL.GL.glBufferData( OpenGL.GL.GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER, self.gl_size_im * self.gl_size_im, self.raw_im_init, OpenGL.GL.GL_STREAM_DRAW, ) # Allocate the buffer OpenGL.GL.glGetBufferParameteriv( OpenGL.GL.GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER, OpenGL.GL.GL_BUFFER_SIZE ) # Check allocated buffer size # try: # assert(bsize == self.gl_size_im * self.gl_size_im) # except AssertionError as e: # print str(e) OpenGL.GL.glBindBuffer(OpenGL.GL.GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER, 0) # Unbind OpenGL.GL.glGenTextures(1, self.texid) # generate 1 texture reference OpenGL.GL.glBindTexture( OpenGL.GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D, self.texid ) # binding to this texture OpenGL.GL.glTexParameteri( OpenGL.GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D, OpenGL.GL.GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, OpenGL.GL.GL_LINEAR, ) OpenGL.GL.glTexParameteri( OpenGL.GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D, OpenGL.GL.GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, OpenGL.GL.GL_LINEAR, ) # glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_LUMINANCE, self.gl_size_im, # self.gl_size_im, 0, GL_LUMINANCE, GL_FLOAT, self.raw_im_init) # # Allocate the texture OpenGL.GL.glTexImage2D( OpenGL.GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, OpenGL.GL.GL_LUMINANCE, self.gl_size_im, self.gl_size_im, 0, OpenGL.GL.GL_LUMINANCE, OpenGL.GL.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, None, ) # Allocate the texture OpenGL.GL.glBindTexture(OpenGL.GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0) # Unbind OpenGL.GL.glPixelStorei( OpenGL.GL.GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1 ) # 1-byte row alignment OpenGL.GL.glPixelStorei( OpenGL.GL.GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT, 1 ) # 1-byte row alignment
[docs] def create_sub_frags(self): self.sub_frags_len_bp = [] self.sub_frags_id = [] self.sub_frags_accu = [] unkb = np.float32(1000.0) self.collect_accu_frags = [] self.norm_vect = [] n_sub_frags = 0 self.sub_frags_2_frags = [] for i in range(0, self.n_frags): tmp = [ self.hic_pyr.spec_level[self.str_level]["fragments_dict"][ i + 1 ]["sub_low_index"] - 1, self.hic_pyr.spec_level[self.str_level]["fragments_dict"][ i + 1 ]["sub_high_index"] - 1, ] # !!! warning!!! m n_sub = tmp[1] - tmp[0] + 1 v_len = [0, 0, 0] v_accu = [0, 0, 0] v_id = [0, 0, 0, n_sub] n_sub_frags += n_sub for j in range(0, n_sub): v_len[j] = ( np.float32( self.sub_level.vect_frag_np[tmp[0] + j]["len_bp"] ) / unkb ) v_id[j] = np.int32(tmp[0] + j) v_accu[j] = np.int32( self.sub_level.vect_frag_np[tmp[0] + j]["n_accu"] ) self.collect_accu_frags.append(v_accu[j]) # create index to go from high res frags to low res frags tmp_len = np.array(v_len[0:n_sub], dtype=np.float32) for j in range(0, n_sub): w_d = np.sum(tmp_len[0:j]) + tmp_len[j] / 2. # watson distance c_d = ( np.sum(tmp_len[list(range(n_sub - 1, j, -1))]) + tmp_len[j] / 2. ) # crick distance # dat = (i, w_d, c_d) dat = (i, w_d, c_d, j) self.sub_frags_2_frags.append(dat) self.norm_vect.append(np.sum(v_accu)) self.sub_frags_len_bp.append(tuple(v_len)) self.sub_frags_id.append(tuple(v_id)) self.sub_frags_accu.append(tuple(v_accu)) # self.np_sub_frags_2_frags = np.array(self.sub_frags_2_frags, # dtype=self.float3) self.np_sub_frags_2_frags = np.array( self.sub_frags_2_frags, dtype=self.float4 ) self.np_sub_frags_len_bp = np.array( self.sub_frags_len_bp, dtype=self.float3 ) self.np_sub_frags_accu = np.array(self.sub_frags_accu, dtype=self.int3) self.np_sub_frags_id = np.array(self.sub_frags_id, dtype=self.int4) self.collect_accu_frags = np.array( self.collect_accu_frags, dtype=np.float32 ) self.norm_vect = np.mat(self.norm_vect) self.init_n_sub_frags = n_sub_frags
[docs] def create_new_sub_frags(self,): out = 0 rep_sub_frags_id = [] idx = 0 for i in range(0, self.n_frags): id_d = self.new_S_o_A_frags["id_d"][i] n_sub = self.np_sub_frags_id[id_d]["w"] v_id = [0, 0, 0, n_sub] for j in range(0, n_sub): v_id[j] = np.int32(idx) idx += 1 rep_sub_frags_id.append(tuple(v_id)) out += n_sub self.n_new_sub_frags = out self.rep_sub_frags_id = np.array(rep_sub_frags_id, dtype=self.int4)
[docs] def plot_info_simu( self, collect_likelihood_input, collect_n_contigs_input, file_plot, title_ax, ): collect_likelihood = np.array(collect_likelihood_input) collect_n_contigs = np.array(collect_n_contigs_input) len_collect = len(collect_likelihood) if len_collect > 1000: idx_2_plot = np.arange(1000, len_collect) else: idx_2_plot = np.arange(0, len_collect) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10), dpi=100) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) ax1.plot(collect_likelihood[idx_2_plot], "r-") ax1.set_xlabel("iterations") # Make the y-axis label and tick labels match the line color. ax1.set_ylabel("likelihood", color="r") for tl in ax1.get_yticklabels(): tl.set_color("r") ax2 = ax1.twinx() # if title_ax == "distance from init genome": # ax2.semilogy(collect_n_contigs, 'b-') # else: ax2.plot(collect_n_contigs[idx_2_plot], "b-") ax2.set_ylabel(title_ax, color="b") for tl in ax2.get_yticklabels(): tl.set_color("b") fig.savefig(file_plot) if len_collect > 1000: plt.figure() plt.hist(collect_n_contigs[idx_2_plot], 100) plt.title("histogram " + title_ax) plt.xlabel(title_ax) plt.ylabel("counts")
# def plot_all_info_simu(self, all_data, headers): # print "here we go!!" # folder = self.output_folder # ## generate files ## # n_vals = # # the main axes is subplot(111) by default # plt.plot(t, s) # plt.axis([0, 1, 1.1*amin(s), 2*amax(s) ]) # plt.xlabel('time (s)') # plt.ylabel('current (nA)') # plt.title('Gaussian colored noise') # # # this is an inset axes over the main axes # a = plt.axes([.65, .6, .2, .2], axisbg='w') # n, bins, patches = plt.hist(s, 400, normed=1) # plt.title('Counts') # plt.setp(a, xticks=[], yticks=[]) #
[docs] def export_new_fasta(self): self.sampler.gpu_vect_frags.copy_from_gpu() self.level.generate_new_fasta( self.sampler.gpu_vect_frags, self.new_fasta, self.info_frags )
[docs] def release(self): self.sampler.free_gpu()